Friday, May 25, 2012

(9)Persona Poem-Macbeth

Brave, Loyal, Soft,
The Thane of Glamis,
Who loves his wife, Throne and himself,
Who hates failures,
Who do anything to pleased his wife,
Macbeth the King

Yess..I choose Macbeth. Weird isn’t? Before this I planned to write about Lady Macbeth but yesterday, when you explained in detail about Lady Macbeth, I’m scared of her. She’s so mean, heartless, cruel and evil but yet she’s still human..There still a part of her shows that she’s feel guilt. Okay, back to Macbeth…I write poem about him because I feel pity towards him..If anyone thinks that he is a traitor, I want to look at him as a good person because I know that deep down in his heart, he never meant to kill King Duncan. I remember when he said:

Macbeth:If chance will have me King, 
Why chance may crown me,
Without my stir.

He still believes in fate that if he is meant for the throne, he will get the throne without doing anything. He never have an intention to kill the king, if his wife did not do provocations towards him, I bet he will never kill the king because he loves the king. His wife influence him to kill the king.His wife lead him to do what he really do not want to.

But what is done cannot be undone. Seriously, I feel pity towards Macbeth, so I create this poem for him.

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