Wednesday, May 23, 2012

(4) Saint vs Sinner

Hi Miss Dzeelfa.. Thanks for knocking some sense into my head. I know it's quite late to start reading, but i will persevere from now on. After watching that video in class and going through Act 1, Scene 1, I came back and started reading further. It was a whole new dimension for me as I saw Macbeth’s emotions and feelings when he was told he is going to be the Thane of Cawdor. The witches only predicted but Macbeth made it come to past whether intentionally or unintentionally.

     Besides, I did post about the issue about human beings being filled with jealousy, lust, greed and envy. I wish to elaborate on that in relation to Macbeth and our daily life. We as human beings sin almost every second, be it in our thoughts or actions. We are born sinners and we are no saints. It’s normal as human we have tendencies to be greedy and jealous over something or someone.

     Macbeth is no saint himself even though he is a king and he ought to be praised, saluted, and hailed by the people. I don’t blame him for having the desire to dwell on the fact that he will be the Thane of Cawdor after the witches told him that. I’d say that they are the catalyst for him to start desiring something beyond his grasp. But, that tiny little spark of desire manifested with him committing something despicable in the end.

     I would say that he was passionate enough to want to be king of Cawdor for him to do something like that. He was enticed by the words from the witches because he is human and it is totally normal. No qualms in that. It’s a matter of how we control our desire, how we balance our emotions and feelings, and how we contain our passion towards something or someone. Sometimes our desire for something can be so overwhelming that we can’t differentiate right from wrong. This is when we fall into the trap of sin. I myself am no far from this.

     Therefore, I will not be quick to judge Macbeth or see him as a bad person and I wish my perception remains the same as I continue reading. By the way, thanks for showing the movie Miss Dzeelfa. It really helps in terms of understanding the character’s behaviour. The way they portray their emotions through their facial expressions does really give out lots of info. Hail Macbeth! 

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