Wednesday, May 23, 2012

(6) Tough time


Editing a video could be the best part ever or could be the worst part ever!!

Honestly, I love editing videos, but I didn’t like it when I need to edit it when there are so much more of assignments at the same time. For your information Miss Dzeelfa, on the same day we need to show our video, there are two micro teaching sessions that we need to handle with. I am not prepared at all!  But guess what?? My name has been called for both micro teachings! Argrggghhh

There’s so many problem occurred while editing this video. The FIRST problem happened when all the videos that we took were not compatible with ‘movie makers’ (which is the only software that I have to edit a video)! So? Yeah we need to actually convert all the videos to another format! ...and I thought that everything will go fine after this. BUT...

Another problem occurs!

After a really long night editing the video, and without sleep, I can’t save the project as a video! It remains the same even after several tries! and yes, I nearly cried (there are two more lesson plan to do, and I need to  prepare the materials for the micro teaching!)

I gave up. And I take a power nap for about 20 minutes.

To make the story short (If not, I might need to continue at another entries hehe), I finally managed to save the video after several hours figuring out the problems! Alhamdulillah.

But hey! This is what we called ‘university student’s life’ right? J

Believe or not, we only use one location for the entire scene in our video. We recorded it at ‘Bilik Music’ at our college. The concept of the video allowed us to minimize the usage of props, lighting, and also costume!  But the biggest challenge in preparing this video is to ensure that the video is not looking dull or maybe boring. We admit that we took the risk when we choose to use‘Gothic’ elements that require us to only take a close up figure of the actors and the atmosphere of the video is totally black!

After all, we always think positive about it and pray that everything will go fine!

The making of “Macbeth” by THE HATS PRODUCTION:

Sharmila and I wore the same dress! yes its me Miss Dzeelfa! muahahahaha

 see you on the next entry! :D

Hanisah Safian, 152604

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