Tuesday, May 1, 2012

(1) Who is Macbeth? Anyone?

Hi Miss Dzeelfa! :)

This is what comes to my mind when the first time you gave us the extract from the Macbeth at the examination Hall:

yes, I think about her =___='

To be honest, the first time I read about Macbeth, I am seriously blur at the moment. I tried to read it again and again, but somehow I still cant understand the story. Until one point, I really gave up and asks my friends to briefly tell me about the story. I am not a 'literature person', and I guess because of that I cant manage to deal with the text.
My opinion about Macbeth?
  • lengthy
  • bombastic words
  • confusing? Obviously! :P

But as time flies and goes by.. I secretly fall in love with Macbeth! :)
Maybe because of the input such as videos, text, explanation, exposure from you that encourage me to know Macbeth well. Thanks to you Miss Dzeelfa! :)

p/s: Going to work on the video soon with the Hats! Stay tuned!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What an interesting thing that came to your mind when Macbeth was introduced! Ally! I'm a fan.

    Go ahead and discover Macbeth. He is not a very complicated character and very much human like you and me. In him we see our own weaknesses.

    All the best.
