Tuesday, May 22, 2012

(7) Darkened atmosphere... darker minds....

Yeayyyyyyyyy... I am Khayma.... Okay okay, i know, that is not important...hehehehe

So, what is dark? What is darkened? What is darker?? What?? What??? What????

Hahahaha...oh well, this is gonna be the story of our shooting experience with our dearest Lady Macbeth, Duncan and Macbeth....

So why did i say dark? Because the concept of the video was all darkness..... Macbeth is a tragedy right? so darkness and tragedy seems to go hand in hand....

Yeah, we had to also had to get the appropriate "goblet of fire for the wine" as Faizah put it, and some F&N  grape juice for wine and a real knife to kill Duncan, ( he really thought he was gonna die, and said, will i ever wake up after this...he goes around saying he is in his afterlife now)

So after we got our dearest Lady Macbeth dressed in her " borrowed robes" , quoting Macbeth, ( necklace, earrings, dress, and lipstick), we moved on to the shooting...

Yeah, so we got the Lady Macbeth to do her part first.... Sharmila did have a tough time playing teh role and portraying the emotions.... and expressions, so i had to help her with her dialogues....

The guys, albeit they have no idea what Macbeth stands for, they were very very very sporty about it, and they helped us a lot..... The guy who played Macbeth, Azeem, even said that he wants to change and do TESL.... he got a kick in the butt for that...haha, from me of course....

Okay, so we did the entire thing with Peisha's concept... I was very doubtful of the concept, and even hanisah told me that, maybe we might not be able to project the thing well.... Yes, we were afraid... But we decided to risk it... We switched off the lights, and it was so dark, we could not see ourselves... Lady Macbeth looked eerieeee

Then, with Peisha's lights on the phone, we begun shooting... Faizah shone lights on the script, sharmila positioned her head the right way, and we began.... We had to stop at significant lines, for me to teach mila how to portray the emotions based on the lines she was reading...

Then we had to film her walking, film her seductively running her hands through the chimes, ( thank god the chimes were available, since it was a music room)...woahhh...even her hands through the chimes, me and Nisah filmed it five to seven times, just to get her run her hands on the chimes the right way....

Then, we got Azeem, who played Macbeth, to read his entire script at one go, and we editted that later....Rizal, who played Duncan, was quite a natural, as he is a bit of a diva.... haha

Yup, that was the filming part...Now the editting part... poor poor Nisah.... At first, we could not find the compatible video player with movie maker...finally someone suggested real player, and voila, it worked...hoyeahhhh... Nisah had a hard tome ediiting it the whole night...and we stayed by her, finishing our other assignments along the way.... That was Saturday night, Sunday morning...

On Sunday night, we had a college program, and yeah, after that, we continued to help Nisah with her masterpiece..... I was not well that night, vomiting, diarrhea, but we were adamant to finish it.. I slept in Nisah's room at 6.15, got up at 7.50, and rushed to class....

Oh my lord, thank godddddd we managed to do it...Thank all the lords..... The music in the video? I found it for our theater in fifth semester, and we decided to recycle it for Macbeth, Nisah suggested that...hoyeahhh...

To be honest, we did that particular concept for the video, because we liked the theme of gothicism, and also, we were lazy to do too much work.... hahaha, but even this, took up a lot of time, a lot of effort.... Lazy no more, said Macbeth....

I would say a bigggggggggg thanks to....

Azeem for being dear Macbeth

Rizal for playing Duncan who is Diva...hahahah

and Ms Dzeelfa...for guiding us always

( I stole this from Fb)

See you again readers, in my 8th post...love ya :)

1 comment:

  1. Khayma! You are a stalker!

    Funny you should choose that photo. It was taken in Edinburgh, Scotland! The Land of Macbeth!
