Tuesday, May 22, 2012

(7) Aftermath

We presented our video today! Yay!

I had to say, it was better than expected. I guess the video looked better on a wider screen. Having to see it on a larger scale makes small features look more prominent. Things like the movement of Sharmila's lips, Azeem's eyes and his expression through his eyes. The other effects sounded better when it was played louder, the music, the chimes, heart beat, and the background music complimented the video a lot.

We had some really good feedback from Ms Dzeelfa as she complimented our use of technique with the smoke effects we use before and after the dialogue was played. She even commented on our choice of background music. It suited the theme of our concept. And also the mixture of scenes were a slightly different choice but it was a good effort.

Then, we explained about the difficulties that we faced while producing this video. The thing that was hardest I guess was really trying to get the message through this filming concept. Making a close up video wasn't as easy as it seems. Though the filming was easy, but the editing was tough, because there were a lot of short clips where we had to snip bit by bit and then combine it with a suitable transition to show correlation. Or else it would look fake.

Lighting was also one of the greatest challenge. As I mentioned in my previous post, we really needed a really dark room for filming, to enhance the darkness but at the same time, emphasize on the character's particular facial features. It was really mind bothering at start, thinking of how should we shine the light on sharmila's lips as she is saying the dialogue. We have thought of many ways, and the initial one was to use a torch light to shine on her features. On second thought, it might have looked really fake and obvious. We even thought of wrapping Sharmila's upper facial features up with a black cloth, which would have looked obviously faked too. Until I realized that my phone camera actually has a night option where it can shine light directly at what it wants to capture. Thank God for that, we had exactly what we wanted.

Another problem would be the reading the lines. It was in old English, and Sharmila had a hard time trying to figure out the correct intonation for each line. It was hard as we can't quite picture the situation. We had a lot of help from Khayma as she explains how each characters' feelings are as they are saying out certain lines. Sharmila and Azeem had to practice a couple of times before actually filming them. And most of the times, they stutter and bit their tongue as they are trying not only to get the intonation right but also to get the correct pronunciation for each word.

We even explained that the reason we chose this scene is because we wanted to a scene which was important in Macbeth. We feel that other than the witches scene, this scene that we captured on video was very significant, as it is the start of Macbeth's killings and he would continue killing until the truth of his depravity is revealed.

Overall, it was fun to watch it over and over again. It actually helped me to understand the scene that we did better. It is clearer now. I can actually comprehend the meaning of the lines said by Lady Macbeth and Macbeth in the play. Having us to come up with a video really aided our understanding.

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