Tuesday, May 22, 2012

(4) Planning The Play

Miss Dzeelfa told each group to create a video of a scene based on Macbeth's play. I was blur at start. Not knowing which scene we should be doing. The initial idea was to do the witches scene as it was fun and interesting, plus the fact that we are an all girls group. I was having this weird imagination about us being in a forest setting, uttering gibberish spells and making weird sounds and putting on a funny looking costume. Having that thought in mind had me sitting in front of the laptop for some time. Thinking of how to put this scene in to place. It is going to be difficult, I thought to myself.

After a couple of days, Khayma suggested that we are not going to do the witches scene anymore. Instead, we are gonna be doing the scene where Lady Macbeth pushes Macbeth to kill King Duncan. I was happy with the idea because we are going to have a Lady Macbeth. I can't help but be attracted to this character. It was like what I said in my previous post. She is a one of a kind lady. Not everyone has the guts to be like her. I would be great fun to see how we can create a Lady Macbeth in our own interpretation.

After giving it some thoughts and discussing about it, I had this idea where it could actually help to save our time filming. I suggested that we use the close up effect on only one part of the facial feature. In that case, we would be able to spend less effort on getting the right costume, make up, and a castle setting (which is pretty much unlikely to be found, unless we decorate one) which would take a lot of time as well. So, it was quite a blur idea at start, my group mates didn't quite get the concept at first. After a few times explaining, they agreed to do so. Therefore, we went on with it.

Khayma took the effort to do the story board. So I helped her to put the concept in words. After that, we started searching for our Macbeth, Lady Macbeth and King Duncan. Looking for the right one to take the role.

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