Thursday, May 24, 2012

(9) Persona Poem On... DUNCAN

Hey ho, Khayma here ho......

So, we're supposed to be doing a persona poem eh?? Haha, my poetry skills are not that amazing.... But, i'll try... The reason i chose Duncan is because, well, he is such a ... Weak character, despite being a king and all... He should not have been too trusting neither should he have been too... in simple words...stupid?

Yeah, coz, if you know the Thane of Cawdor can betray you., why not the Thane of Glamis?

Anyway, here is my two cents on Duncan :)

Royal, Powerful, Trusting
King of Scotland
Loves wine, power and Macbeth
Afraid of losses and traitors 
Who wants to continue as a king
Unbeknownst to him, a murder is plotted
The Thanes of Cawdor always cheat him
Thats Duncan, The king Of Scotland
Hailed once, but then he died 
What a pity
Poor Duncan

It dosent't really follow the out line of the persona poem, but this is the best i could come up with, based on my own knowledge of Duncan.... Hope it's okay... 

I don't know why google pictures him as an old man..,.

and then i find funny... Imagine the king looked like this ?

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