Friday, May 18, 2012

(5) Picasso Macbethology.. Story of a Storyboard

Yes yes, it's tough trying to be Picasso, especially when drawing is not my favourite thing in the world... In fact, I just hate to draw....

Anyway, I am khayma by the might be wondering why do i keep saying that i am khayma right? Well, when i post my entries, it comes out as published by scribbling butterfly, so i just wanted to clarify that the  butterfly that is flying around this blog is actually me....

Anyway, back to the drawing part... I saw faizah's post and read about how she laughed out loud looking at my picasso's art on the story board.... You see, on that day, suddenly, this really random idea came to me...It was a hot sunday afternoon, and while doing my lesson plan for Puan Juridah, i started to think about the story board which was due the next day...

So then i just, you know, opened up paint and at first, i was, how do i put this, shockked to see the new version of paint 2010 in my laptop... That shows i have NEVER explored the laptop.. so after clicking here and there for almost an hour or two, the picasso drawing of mine took form and shape...oh oh...the proud proud moment of my life...okay shut up khayma.... hehe..

Then, that evening, i saved the work in my lappy and told sharmila ( my annoying and loving roomate) to show it to the rest because i wanted to go to the temple.... So by the time i came back, the rest of the hats had gathered and had seen the entire piece.,.. I could see that they were trying not to laugh.... Finally, they did, and told me, " lets just show this to ms dzeelfa and let her  have the laugh of he life ok?" I agreed...

So we touched it up a bit, peisha got some extra info about lighting and shooting angle, we typed it at the end of the story board, and printed it out, and yeayyyyy....we sent it to you ms tell me, did you laugh? hahaha

Oh yeah, you know, peisha made a really funny comment about the stickmen i drew... she said that it looks as if his you know...his...ehem ehem... had been cut off gradually in the pictures one by one...look at it carefully, you'll understand...

Yeah, and only after printing it out, i realized one of the lady macbeth stickwoman was missing her hair...warghhhh... had to draw it with colored marker....

Yeah, working on the story board was fun...we did not download the storyboard..just googled up images of storyboard and created it ourselves....

I had been neglecting this blog and my beloved beloved Butterfly's Scribbles ( my other blog) for far too long.... Haisyy.... This semester is just so.... so...HARD..i want to cry.... sometimes, i look back and think, hey, will i even SURVIVE this semester? Like seriously?? But i have that thoughts every other semester.... I just want to do well and move on... But life gets tougher every time... It's really not easy...

Worst still when you have unpredictable emotions like me.... seriously... I wanna laugh and jump one second, then curl and cry next, then stamp and rage the other.... Arghhhh.... DAMN.... Yeah, i feel like being Lady Macbeth and asking god to UNSEX me, make me a dude, no feelings, no emotions, no care.... nothing.... I just want to be happy...but i can't, can i? I have to endure this, right??

I guess i am getting out of hand here with my rantings, aren't i? I'll go scribble them in my butterfly....

Just wanna say that, i had a good time with the story board and i am hoping to have a good time with the video too.... You do know that we are doing a very..ermm..different kind of concept on it right?

Yeah, so just wait, and watch the hats in action.... hahahaha

bye..cheerios :)

anyway, say hai to mr and mrs macbeth ok :P

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