Monday, May 14, 2012

(4)Ohhhh Lady...My Lady

I am still in progress reading Macbeth,so….ya,nothing much I can say about the whole story yet.All the time when I was brain cannot stop wondering,how she looks like.Sometimes I imagine her as a very beautiful woman yet so strong.

I wonder if she like this:

Ermmm…maybe like this:

How about this one?

Actually, I have different attitude towards Lady Macbeth. Sometimes I like the way she use her charm to control her husband…but I’m not a feminist .I like the way she influence her husband, like she has control over her husband. Sometimes, I just hate her because for me, she is so annoying; I wonder how Macbeth can stand her. I hate her because she’s so brave and evil to gives idea on how to kill King Duncan. She’s a woman and she come cross an idea to kill people for the sake of power. Yaa..I hate her cruelty. Sometimes, I feel pity towards her. After she helps Macbeth killing her King Duncan, she lives in guilt. I feel pity for her…how she’s suffer in silence keeping the secret and guilt. I think, the throne she have doesn’t mean anything anymore when she had to lives in guilty. I also feel pity towards her, when the facts she and Macbeth have to kill in order to protect the secret. The desperation when they had to kill people….I don’t know how to describe my feelings towards Lady Macbeth..Whether should feel pity for her or she just a pathetic person.

Yesterday, we were discussing our storyboard with our group. After some fighting and bite sessions……just kidding! We have decided to choose a scene………….well, since there is a stalker here, I can’t tell……if not, it will be not surprised anymore…J.okay back to our storyboard, Khayma decided to show her “talent” using paint, so she draw the storyboard. After, she shows us the final product,all of us burst in tear look at her drawing…..yaa,we so touched……, it’s too funny actually and all of us cannot stop laughing,…so bad are we? But still we thanked khayma for her “PAIN”  she have to bear in order to finish the drawing. Thank you, Khayma…love You.

P/S:All of us wonder,why she’s so ”rajin” use paint if we just can print the template and draw it manually .I don’t think there is a different,or maybe much better……………………………HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA…JUST KIDDING…..:)

1 comment:

  1. You guys love to tease Khayma, right? It's a good sign that you have mixed feelings about Lady Macbeth because we have to understand what drives a person to commit such actions. If you can be subjective about a character in a literary text, that should be a good exercise to prepare you for the real world.
