Saturday, May 12, 2012

(3)One Step Ahead

I have good news, yess...I already started read the original text on Macbeth.

I would say that, if i didn’t read the simplified version first, I would lose in the first place when I read the original text. When i read the original text, of course there a words that i don’t understand but i didn’t stop and refer to dictionary. I keep reading it, through the words that I can understand; I make sense of what the parts/acts is all about. Then I refer to simplified version, and check whether it almost the same or not. Mostly, what I understand almost the same like simplified version.

Now, I feel motivated to read the original version, and cannot wait to finish it. Sometimes, i can’t control myself from knowing what will happen next. There are times when I skip the part because i cannot wait from knowing what s will happen. For example, I really want to know, what will happen after Lady Macbeth sleepwalking and revealing her crime. So, I skip that part....:P. But, after I skip the part...I moved back to pages just, I can’t help myself to know what going to happen.....:)

However, there are a few part when i keep repeating read it because i just LOVED the scenes. I think, I read it that way because I don’t want to lose ecstasy reading Macbeth....yaaa..Can’t believe I say this. One of the scenes that i like is when Lady Macbeth receive a letter announces her husband promotion. I loved the way Lady Macbeth convince her husband. I read this part a few times, Sometime i think, Macbeth is a wimp. He may look strong in the outside, he is good in battlefield but in the inside, he is a coward, he easily follow what his wife words.. I think, Lady Macbeth has a control over her husband...Owhhh..Maybe I was being judgmental.
Since, i love the part so much search it on YouTube and keep watching it...and I even downloaded it.


p/s :i cant wait to read the story till the end.

1 comment:

  1. Good strategies used. Reading the simplified version before attempting the original version. And yes, I'm glad you didn't turn to the dictionary for every single thing you didn't understand. Just keep on reading because some words are bound to help you make sense!
