Saturday, May 12, 2012

(4) A Day With the Mentor that Opened My EYES

Holla, It's me , the one and only Khayma....

I know, my greetings are always lame huh? Huhu

Anyway, hey there.... So, i am gonna post here about my mentor, Ms Dzeelfa... why do i call her my mentor? Well, she is my lecturer, but also considered my mentor when it comes to Macbeth... Yes, an amazing mentor...

So, the other day, i had nothing to do for two hours, so Ms Dzeelfa, who happened to see me halfway through, invited me, and Dinie, my coursemate to sit in her class, where she was going to meet the boys in the class, namely Najmi, Amir, Nazrin, Salam and Azami. Honestly, i never thought i will be joining in this meeting.... Well, i missed the first bit, but then, i managed to join them half way, for about an hour...and, oh boy, what an hour that was for me....

Well, practically. Ms Dzeelfa went line by line to teach  two acts, and got the boys extremely involved in the teaching. she was friendly, engaging, and she made me understand Macbeth like never before. She made my mind think and wonder about the ironies in the play, and basically, i enjoyed old literature... imagine me, saying that...enjoying old literature....

I also understood Shakespeare better... I mean, some people just need to express themselves in some way or other right? his was through writing, and through blogging.... He wrote about the era he lived in, the culture he practiced, the culture he knew about... He wrote about issues that are relevant till today which makes him an extremely intelligent person.... He wrote with such passion, and his writings contains beauty which i admire trully from the bottom of my heart...

I mean, who can write about a woman, asking to be "unsexed" ( I  NEVER knew the meaning of this till Ms Dzeelfa explained ) about what the witches meant by nine times nine ( I did not know i had to so the simple math and get the answer!!! Did i not tell you i was a dumbo in math??? Do excuse me yea!! ).... Who can write about a woman so cruel that she asked for her milk to be replaced with gall??? Who??? Shakespeare did, albeit with old english, he explored a theme so deep, so i would say..

It takes a lot of passion, to understand Shakespeare, his work, his thoughts, his opinions... his language.... I am begining to.... I hope...  I really do hope... that i'll be able to go through his other works, and get to know this intelligent man better....

And again, thanks Ms Dzeelfa.... has anyone ever told you, that you are simply an AMAZING person, an amazing teacher??? yes, you are... And i only praise, when i mean it... and I mean this, from the bottom of my heart....

Oh yea, those balloony pants??? They are kinda cute, albeit weird....

All hail macbeth, to his dooms day :P

1 comment:

  1. Glad you found the session useful. It was fated that you and Dinie were hanging around outside the forbidden RC and I invited you all to come sit with us.

    That session shouldn't happen actually because it was spoiling the experiment to see how students cope with the text without help from teachers. But I was at my wits end trying to find means and ways to get the boys started. I am so glad that they responded well to the text after the session.

    You only think I am a good teacher because you allow me to be one. So you should pat yourself on the back for this.
