Wednesday, May 23, 2012

(7) Letter to Macbeth

Hiii ms reading on Macbeth still going on..Now i reading Act IV scene III...quite slow am I? It just, I like to read it and thinks about it....I think that’s why, it takes me a month to finish this plays. Talking about this part, I feel sad when I’m reading it...i feel sad how Macbeth has changed...i know he is not a hero in this plays but I still believe the good part in him when he is not willing to kill King Duncan. But now, he has changed!!!!Before this, he killed King Duncan because of his wife insists him to kill but know...he has become someone different. Macbeth turn to be a horrendous monster...he became arrogant, boast, forgot his root....he became someone that I never thought he will be....He too confident that no one can kill him..he believe that his intelligence and his courage, he should not fear anything...arghhhhh...I’m so piss off reading this part when I feel want to give Macbeth a slap., seriously...i feel so annoying reading this part:

Bring me no more reports; let them fly all! 
Till Birnam Wood remove to Dunsinane  
I cannot taint with fear. What's the boy Malcolm?  
Was he not born of woman? The spirits that know  
All mortal consequences have pronounced me thus:(5)  
“Fear not, Macbeth; no man that's born of woman 
Shall e'er have power upon thee.” Then fly, false thanes, 
And mingle with the English epicures!  
The mind I sway by and the heart I bear  
Shall never sag with doubt nor shake with fear.(10)
 Enter a Servant. 
The devil damn thee black, thou cream-faced loon! 
Where got'st thou that goose look? 

Why he became someone who is too proud about himself? He should know that he get the throne by killing...he should not talked as if he is the bravest among them when he actually a coward. Since, I’m so frustrated with Macbeth,I wrote a letter....a short letter.I write this when i was in the class, I cannot stop thinking about his “attitude”, so I came up with this letter: 
Dear Macbeth, 
Stop acting like a jerk..a boastful jerk.. I like you better when you just follow your wife words,at least it shows that you love your wife, but acting as if you were the hero in the story and did not care at all about your wife. You accuse your servants as a coward by in reality you are the one because you got the throne by killing King Duncan plus you kill him when he is drunk, that’s not fair at all. You are the biggest cowards than your servant. Please stop insulting people like you’re better than the rest when actually you’re not....! Okay, think I have said what I want to say..with that, i rest my case. Sincerely, FAIZAH. 

p/s: I'm working on 8th post..:)

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