Tuesday, May 22, 2012

(5) The Prophecy

Testing! Testing! 1,2,3.
Hey Miss Dzeelfa! Hi people! I’m now reading the original text of Macbeth and I proud to say that I am secretly falling in love with Macbeth. ...At last! Haha.
In my opinion, there is not ‘Macbeth’, if there is no ‘prophecy’ in this story. (Act 1, Scene 3) Prophecy that said Macbeth will become first thane of Cawdor and then king. For me, everything starts off with that scene when the weird sisters make a number of prophecies. Their words makes lead Macbeth to kill! and He is blindly believe in his own immortality. In my opinion, the most important prophecy is when the witches said that Macbeth would be the thane of Cawdor!

I do some research about the meaning of Cawdor and it is stated that,'Cawdor is a  village and castle in the Highland council area, historic county of Nairnshire, Scotland, south of Nairn, near Inverness. The local castle, according to a now discredited tradition perpetuated by Shakespeare, was the scene of the murder of King Duncan I by Macbeth, the thane of Cawdor, in 1040. The oldest part of the present castle dates from 1454, however, and there is no evidence of an earlier structure. The castle was considerably enlarged in the 17th century and remains the seat of the earls of Cawdor.''
 Interesting right?

‘All hail, Macbeth that shalt be king hereafter!’
If only Macbeth did not meet the three witches, he and her wife would not do all the crazy things! In other words, they were blind of greediness in order to grab the power! Macbeth is completely enthusiastic when he knowss that he will be King. His personality changed and he is easily tempted into murder to fulfil his ambitions to the throne, and once he commits his first crime and is crowned King of Scotland, he embarks on further atrocities with increasing ease.  
The story becomes more complicated when Macbeth had a wife like Lady Macbeth! =___=

She is a wife that is really ambitious, who lusts for power and position, as she forced her husband to kill Duncan and seize the crown.  I’m not saying that the other scenes are not important, but the witches and prophecy thingy is the best and important scene for me. It is the punch line of the story, and it is also the beginning of everything.
This shows how power can change people. Power is the only thing that important in certain people life. Sad!
But, I’m still learning to get the meaning of the text. Not to mention, you are the one who make me anxious to know more about Macbeth! With all your material in class, for example when you shows us videos about Macbeth, and when you discuss about it in class, there’s a lot of questions in my mind and it makes me eager to know what happen next! Thanks to you Miss Dzeelfa!

Hanisah Safian 15604

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