Saturday, May 26, 2012

(8) Persona poem

Hi Miss Dzeelfa! :)
Lady Macbeth!

Yes, the queen of Macbeth’s heart, the most important character in the story other than Macbeth, Banquo, and Duncan. If it is not because of her attitude, this story would not become this interesting! She is the one who force her husband to do such bad things and if it is not because of her, Macbeth would not be able to do it! He did not dare to do it, and he is not willing to! Honestly, in my opinion i think that Macbeth is actually an innocent person at the beginning of the story, until the point when her wife forces him to be a murderer!

In act 1 scene 5:
“...your hand, your tongue; look like th’ innocent flower...”
This shows how kind Macbeth is!

So, this is for you Lady Macbeth!
Lady Macbeth,
Cruel, heartless, murderer!
Queen of Macbeth’s heart,
Who loves power,
Who loves wealth,
Who loves to win,
Lady Macbeth,
Who's afraid of losing,
Or should I say,
Who's afraid of nothing!
The Queen,
Lady Macbeth!

Hanisah Safian (152604)

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