Saturday, May 19, 2012

(6) Macbeth Fun Fact

Today we working on our video..tiring, but having fun while recording the video. We have invited special guests to our video….well, a very good actor I must say. Really glad they willing to help us. After recording the video….here the toughest part..EDITING…*sigh*.Seriously, this is the toughest part ever…we have to faces difficulties. First, problem with the video…we have to convert it to different format…it really hard to find a format that compatible with movie maker. We tried different format, from mpeg, avi, wmv….but still not compatible with movie maker. Finally we used real player…Oh my god, it’s really hard…luckily we have Hanisah, she’s good in editing video…so,the video still in progress. about Macbeth..I google about Macbeth,I found this “Macbeth Fun Facts” on the internet, I think it is really interesting and I should share with my friends,I've never heard about this fact actually,it is a fact that beyond the text,so here they are…:

·         When we first hear of Macbeth, he has just cut an enemy open ("unseamed") from belly button ("nave") to throat ("chops"). To this, The king shouts "Oh valiant cousin! Worthy gentleman!"

·         Lady Macbeth complains about her husband and ridicules his masculinity in order to make him commit murder. She talks about a smiling baby she once nursed and what it would have been like to smash its brains out -- she would prefer this to having a husband who is unwilling to kill in cold blood.

·         Among the ingredients of a witches' brew are cut-off human lips and a baby's finger. It's not just any baby -- it was a child delivered by a prostitute in a ditch, and that she strangled right afterwards.

·         To show Macbeth his future, the witches add to the brew "grease that's sweated from the murderer's gibbet." Would you like to know what that means? The bodies of executed murderers were left hanging on the gallows / gibbet, often caged so their friends couldn't take them away, until they were skeletonized, a process that takes weeks. At about ten days in suitable weather, there are enough weak points in the skin that the body fat, which has liquefied, can start dripping through. There will be a puddle of oil underneath the body.

·         Macbeth's head ends up on a stick. In Scotland, severed head soften functioned as soccer balls for Scottish teens.

·         Most of the actual murders occur off-stage, since without any between-act curtains, the story had to be written so that somebody wouldn’t have to remove a dead body from the stage.

·         Producing Macbeth is supposed to be unlucky. Fires, falls, and weapon injuries have plagued past productions. Superstition requires those involved in productions not to say the play's title, but rather "The Scottish Play". However, thespians attest “the curse” to the fact that the stage is dark, there’s a fire scene, the fog machine makes the stage slippery, there's more wielding of crude weapons by more people, and so forth. Many failing acting companies would produce "Macbeth", which was very popular, as a last-ditch, not-always-successful way of staying in business.

This is interesting fact i is creepy as well,at the same time..i think it is amazing.Yeah...i’m not sure what i think actually...but what i know, day by day I grows my passion towards Macbeth...Not just because of the story but because of the fact about it.I google a lot about Macbeth and i found a lot of things that really interesting that can be used in the classroom. I also would like to share in this blog but I’m afraid that, if it is too much..I cannot voice out what my opinion....than it would never be our blog, I will choose only the best fact that suitable and beneficial to our friends.

1 comment:

  1. I'm starting to feel the passion you have for this man! I'm so happy for you!
