Thursday, May 24, 2012

(8) Macbeth Phenomenon

Before this I already talked about our video in the making process, but now, I would like to share how i feel after the video presentation.To be honest, I'm afraid of your and our classmates acceptance towards our video.Our group use different techniques, so i'm afraid if you and all other friends would not understand or get the idea what we trying to do.maybe, our group make a simple video, but a lot of effort are taken in making it reality.We gives the best we can,I would say 101% commitments from each group members.From the feedback we receive,Thank Gods...Alhamdulilah.It's not a disappointment to us.

Regarding Macbeth:

Macbeth is not a first Shakespeare’s piece that I read..Before this I read Measure for Measure but I’m not into it because of the language. Most of the time I depends on translation text. So, I’m not really enjoy it. But after reading Macbeth, my interest towards Shakespeare’s work grows drastically. To be honest, At first I read Macbeth because of Ms Dzeelfa asks us to read it as one of the major text studied in this course.But as I read the text, understand it…I forget about the language, but focus on the story in it. I learn a lot when I read Macbeth. Now, the language is not a big deal for me but the story did matters. Remember, when you (Ms Dzeelfa) talked about King Lear in the class? Do you believe me if I said, after I go back to my room I Google about the story?Yess I did. When I read the original text, I don’t understand…I did ask Khayma to tell me the story in a brief…now, I know the gist’s of the story.For me, it is very tragic story...I understand how king Lear feel when he thoughts the daughter he loves the most,did not love him as he thought.I wish if the father can understand his daughter.

Yaa…by the way, I am a biggest fan of Greek mythology. I love to read about the Greek gods and I can remember a few of their names and roles without having problems.  So, this is another thing that I like to Google with. That’s why I really like Oedipus by Sophocles. The story is tragic and very relevant to the society until now. Why I’m talking about this? It is because what I want to share with you after this are related to Greek, Athens…yaaa…..something like that. So, talking about this, after reading Macbeth…like I said before, my interest towards Shakespeare’s works grows …..I was looking forward to read other Shakespeare works. I search for the text, read the analysis, summary and the background of the story. I’m still not finish up my reading on Macbeth, but I hope you don’t mind if I am searching for other Shakespeare’s works? I promise I won’t read other Shakespeare plays until I finish reading Macbeth. Okay, what I want to share with you is, “Midsummer Night’s Dream”…I’ve read the synopsis…Oh my god, I like the story. It is about four Athenian who still discovering and searching their true love. How things turn upside down when the merry, Puck spilt the flower juice…warghhhhhh..i just love the story.I’ve search the full versions of original text on the internet and I’m planning to print it out as soon as I finish reading Macbeth.

Next is Twelfth Night. I’ve search the synopsis, and the story analysis. I really like this story too, For your information I read the story a bit, because I cannot stop myself from reading that story….But when I realizes, I still have things to do with Macbeth, I hold my intentions….warghhhhhhhh…so hard…and I should control my hand from clicking the story. Yaa…I have the softcopy in my pendrive too and I can’t wait to finish reading Macbeth, so I can read this two plays that I really want to. 

At this moment, I Google about Anthony and Cleopatra….and guess what? This is another Shakespeare’s story that I really want to read…Never mind, I shall control myself to stop find another Shakespeare’s works until I finish reading Macbeth. But this won’t last long, I will finish reading Macbeth at the latest, this Friday..So I can spend my weekend reading another story.

You must be wondering why I’m telling you all this. This is my reflection, how Macbeth influences me to discover other Shakespeare works. If you not assigned us to read Macbeth,(I should thanked you for making Macbeth compulsory to read.) I won’t fall in love with the story. If I don’t read and search about Macbeth; I would never discover other Shakespeare’s best works. I really glad how Macbeth change my perception on Shakespeare works. Now, I would say that, by reading Macbeth, it leads me to read more other Shakespeare’s works. Before this, not that I hate Shakespeare….but the language always become a boundaries for me to read Shakespeare works but now, language is not a boundaries for me to read Shakespeare plays. Before this, I think…not just me but most of my friends thought Shakespeare is a scary to read, but through reading Macbeth, I discovers others Shakespeare interesting works that are worth to read. Deep in my heart, I glad I read Macbeth…it open my eyes about the beautifulness of Shakespeare’s old English story that all this while, I scared to read it. I wonder what would happen if I’m not reading Macbeth??????

p/s: Now Macbeth phenomenon has infect me....BUT I'm glad.

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