Tuesday, May 22, 2012

(6) The Production

Let me tell the story... I'm just glad that I'm still alive to tell the tale. (Oh stop exaggerating Peisha)

It was tough... Really. I never thought that we'd finish this video in time. It was tough. And again, TOUGH.

At the same time, there were many other assignments cramped up and all needed to be submitted on the same day or the same week. After finishing expository writing's assignment, we had to rush for another 3! (Literature in ESL's lesson plan and microteaching, Kurikulum paperwork and most of all, the Macbeth video!)

We were struggling to finish up the video, because the editing of it was tough. Seriously a pain in the posterior. The one with the most skills in video editing was Hanisah. And it was really painful to see her dragging herself on the bed, trying hard to stay awake and finish editing the video while doing the rest of her assignments on the side. We did our best to help her. We looked for songs, videos that can be used, and also helped her out with the order of the short clips and where to cut and so forth.

We were editing at around 3am in the morning. We were all half way through with the rest of the assignments. After about an hour, we turned in to zombies. Drinking tea to keep ourselves awake. By time it was about 4am, tea could help us no more. Faiza slept, Sharmila slept, Khayma was half asleep, and Hanisah was a quarter asleep, dragging her mouse up and down, trying to make sense of what she was doing. I was hanging on, by sitting next to her making sure that she doesn't fall asleep, or else, the video may not be completed in time.

She hung on with me, until our last straw. We finished the video approximately and 6.30am. And we have class at 8am that morning. The Subuh Adhan was already on. We were really exhausted and our minds refuse to function as we want them to. But thank God, we were able to save the project and when we checked the video, it was all good and ready for presentation that afternoon.

Seiously, it wasn't our best, but it was the best that we were able to come up with that night (or morning). We were really proud of it. And credits to Hanisah. If it wasn't for her, our video may have been much lesser that what we have produced. Hail HANISAH!

Here... Enjoy our final production. Macbeth (Act 1 Scene 5, Act 1 Scene 6, Act 2 Scene 1 and Act 2 Scene 2.

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