Tuesday, May 22, 2012

(8) Now, for the projection, the reflection... All HAIL

All Hail Macbeth

This to you readers, may look like the "damned spot" on Lady Macbeth's hands...But to me, for now, this hand represents the hard work put in for our dearest macbeth.... 

So in this post, it's time to talk about my own feelings after the entire thing, and about what i feel toward other videos :P

Oh yeah, who am I ??

Khayma here again as usual, and as always.....

Yes, the projection.... It was a very very, how do i put this, a very fearful moment for us, for me especially, to see what Ms Dzeelfa has to say about the video.... I was afraid.... especially if the concept will be accepted....But when Ms Dzeelfa said it was good..... Woahhhh... We were on CLOUD 999

I was so happy, we were so happy that the concept was alright, that the video was alright, that all the hard work paid off...It was so amazing... :)

Yeay, finally, finally. ALL that hard work, all that pain paid off...hurrah.... can i jump now??

Yes, that was the feeling... The feeling of getting 7/7.5 was also incredible...amazing...absolutely incredible...i felt so good..... Yes, i mean, positive reinforcement is always good huh? And Ms Dzeelfa has always given us positive reinforcement... Which is like so totally awesomeeee....

Okay, i watched other videos as well... by my class mates.... It was simply amazing....

First, there was Yar Hui and her group's video...It was good.... The lighting was just nice, and Dinie looked like that BBC video Lady Macbeth, prettier maybe.... I loved Dinie's style of acting, it was so very real... and her voice was great...it made me want to tear in class..... Not bad, her sinus helped her in the acting....

Then there was Diba's group, the potato group...Diba did tell me before the class that their group was playing around in "padang kawad" , so i guessed they would have a good video...And oh my, yes they did...even nature seemed to help them so much..... The element of wind and the sound was very helpful in the "war" portrayal.... and oh my , Dayang was so HANDSOME as a dude..... I loved Adiba jumping around and pretending to fight... I mean, when i see how they talk so much while fighting...it was so funny...if i were Macduff, when Macbeth was talking so much, i would have just gone like " yeah right, gimme a break okay" and killed him...but i guess that is not how it was done back then perhaps....you talk while fighting....

After that, we have The boys..... Oh my goodness.... SARONGS for SCOTTISH KILTS???? Seriously.... Thy had me laughing so much, thank god i did not fall to the ground laughing..... But i loved the effect where Amir stabbed Salam, and blood came out... I know they put syrup packet on Salam's stomach..... But that was so real... And Salam jelly dancing instead of fighting was also LOL moments... I mean, his jelly dance is so epic.... He is actually one of the hats, and we were together in theater, and he thought us his jelly dance for tribal dance... I did not know that he still practiced it....

Okay, the fourth group, The weird Sisters were so very amazing... they portrayed the witches to be so elegant, and beautiful..... I loved it... I am not a big fan of dubbing, but after watching their video, i guess dubbing is not all that bad after all....I only pitied Nadiya who ran so much.....:P

Then, Sammy's group who did on the same scene as ours, but they concentrated on one scene.... And said out all the dialogues.... Hmm...okay.... not bad.....

Well.... That were the amazing videos by the amazing TESL Rockers... I knew from 4th semester that somewhere along the journey of TESL.... there will be a Macbeth video involved, i just never thought it would be in this semester...And i am happy it's done with...It means another journey in TESL crossed.... Yeayyyy....

All hail Macbeth, hail the TESLians, and ehem,.... lets HAIL the Hats tooo..... :)

The amazing TESLians.... TESL ROCKERS

Us, the original 6 Thinking Hats who have an amazing bond 

This are the HATS who work together, and stay together through thick and thin, ups and downs.... and through the trials and tribulations of Macbeth :)

so until then, do take care...and hope to meet you soon again :P

1 comment:

  1. Good job on the whole. I wish the class wasn't so busy at this time of the semester.
