Sunday, May 20, 2012

(2) King Macbeth vs King Henry VIII

Hi Miss Dzeelfa, sorry for the late blog post.

I used to watch ‘The Tudors’, and English drama series loosely based on the reign of King Henry V111 of England.

It was an interesting series and I followed it for 3 seasons until I gave up as I was too busy with my Form 6. I’ve come across many stories and also drama that portrays the extravagant lifestyle of King Henry but not King Macbeth. I wonder why. I’ve only knew about the existence of Macbeth after it was introduced in this class even though I’ve heard of some other popular plays from Shakespeare.

Back to the comparison, it amuses me because King Macbeth is not as famous as King Henry. Maybe because I wasn’t exposed to Macbeth during my form 6 and also I never knew of his existence. As for King Henry, it must be due to the fact that the series, ‘The Tudors’ had ignited the curiosity in me to look up on King Henry. :P

Based on my readings, King Henry had a lot of mistresses and therefore he was always in the forefront for being notorious and bold. On the other hand, King Macbeth is overshadowed by Lady Macbeth, his wife.

Well, both kings are filled with greed, jealousy, arrogance and all the human qualities that every man can possibly have. They let their jealousy and greed to override and cloud their mind and therefore they lose their sense of judgment in making decisions. Human beings go through life having to make lots of decisions. I can imagine them who are the rulers of the kingdom making lots of difficult and challenging decisions as compared to us.

Therefore it is only right for me to not judge a person, be it a king, or a beggar because no one reacts to a problem the same way. I don’t know what was in King Macbeth’s mind but I do know that as human beings we make mistakes. So I will not judge King Macbeth before I can truly understand him. Hail King Macbeth!! :) xxx

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