Monday, May 28, 2012

(6) The first video for Macbeth with the Hats

Hi Miss Dzeelfa. 
     When you gave us the instruction to do a play, we were not really clear about what we should do. But thanks to Khayma, she got the script done in no time. She even drew the characters, Lady Macbeth, Macbeth and also Duncan. It was really funny and we all laughed but I have to admit that it was awesome.

     After much clearer guidance, we came up with an idea. It came from Peisha. She gave this brilliant idea of just using only certain parts of our face to create the video. Peisha is the backbone of this group and without her I don’t know what will happen to the rest of us. She guides us and makes sure we get the things done in time. At first I was not sure of how this idea would work. I just went along with it until came the day where we had to shoot our video.

     We discussed about the plan of the video. Then it was clearer to me. We read the script together and we choose the people who will be playing the tempting Lady Macbeth. Well, since all of them were quiet, I volunteered to act her part. It was a sudden thought but I just went with it. It was actually fun!!

     Khayma showed me her entire collection of jewelleries. It was overwhelming, but Peisha selected this beautiful necklace which was glittering and fit for a queen. Haha.. Then plan was also to make me wear her beautiful gown which was really elegant. Therefore, we gathered with me ready with my freshly painted nails just for the video. :P

     I fumbled while wearing the dress. It was long and since I was short, I nearly tripped. Haha. But I was in safe hands with my Hats so it was alright. Then, Peisha put lipstick for me. That was so funny. We laughed together looking at my weird face. It was so red and the last I wore a colour like that was during my theatre performance with the Original Hats! What an experience that was.

     Then we proceeded to recording my part first because we had to wait for both guy actors as they were busy with the college stuff. Faizah was responsible for the lights and also holding my script. Thanks a million Pejot! I laughed and pronounced the words from my dialogues wrongly as Peisha recorded my part and we had to redo the scenes. Khayma had to ‘coach’ me into getting the words right and also to portray the correct emotions. Thank God she was there. If not I would have made myself a clown. Haha.

     Moreover, we had to do some scenes which required me to show that I’m a seductive queen. Since it was in the music room, we used the chimes which were available. We had to redo the scenes and Nisah gave ideas on how to make it better. Besides I had to colour my fingers so that I can spread the blood on the wall. That was much easier.

(4 of us together)

     After the ‘actors’ came, Peisha shoot their part and we ended up the whole process at about 1 am. But that wasn’t the end of the video. The editing part was handed to Hanisah. She is a pro in editing videos. We accompanied her to do the editing in her room. It was tiring especially on her part as she couldn’t really stay up that late but I admire her determination to get the video done. The editing process was tough, but she persevered until it finished. Thanks Nisah!!

     We were all fast asleep except for Peisha and Nisah. Peisha stayed up to accompany her to get it done. I guess it was at 6 am that Nisah could really rest her case. :P But she made some changes again to the video and we finally viewed it as a group the night before Monday. It was fun and tiring but it was worth it as it brought us closer than we were before. It strengthened our bond which we already had since our theatre with Pn.Juridah! Working with Hats is awesome!! Let me end this with a saying. ‘Bersatu teguh bercerai roboh’! Love you HATS!!

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