Tuesday, May 22, 2012

(3) Hey Macbeth, I’m back!

Hanisah Safian 152604
Assalamualaikum and Hi Miss Dzeelfa!
I’m really really really sorry about the late blog post. I had several issues to handle with and I’m not good in dealing with time!
I am really sorry for that. I do.
My last post was about the differences between Macbeth and Measure for Measure, both was written by the legendary William Shakespeare.  
Back to the Macbeth thingy :P
I don’t know whether you still remember or not, but I am the person who asking you who is Macbeth when you gave us the excerpt at the examination room. The question I asked you: Is Macbeth a he or is he a she? I still remember the first time you gave us the excerpt, I was totally blank! And if you still remember, you did record my questions for your PhD project, I supposed so.

And finally it becomes clearer to me. Macbeth is a he and a she! There is Macbeth, and there is Lady Macbeth!  

No wonder I, or should I say we(?) having a really hard time to grab the meaning of the text when we first time we are been introduce to it.

And I just found out the fact that Macbeth was written specifically to be performed for, and to please, King James I around 1950!

Then, I found one fact on the internet but I’m not sure whether this information is correct/acceptable/legal or not, but I did do some search about Macbeath’s background: in term of setting of time, setting of place, and characters and characteristic. The fact said that 'Shakespeare got the idea of Macbeth from Raphael Holinshed's Chronicles. Shakespeare's altered it again to clear Banquo, King James's legendary ancestor, of complicity in the murder. It's a fun read. Holinshed spends a lot of time on the incident in which Malcolm (who became a popular king) tests Macduff by pretending to be mean when he is really nice. Holinshed talks about the murder of King Duff by Donwald in the century before Macbeth. According to Holinshed, Donwald was nagged by his wife until he did the evil deed, and drugged the guards. Shakespeare adapted this for Macbeth.'
Mmmmm mmmmmmmm
As for now, I’m still struggle to understand the text. Both text. Simplified and the original version. Wish me luck! -_____-
Macbeth, please be gentle to me!
Hanisah Safian 152604

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