Friday, May 25, 2012

(10) And the Lights DAWN.... On Shakespeare...On Macbeth

Yes, yes, finally the light is dawning, On Shakespeare... On Macbeth.... Wow right?

Okay okay, Khayma here.....

Haha, cute or not???? Okay, you can officially slap me now... But since it's my tenth post, i decided i might just get a bit overboard...

Okay okay, back to business... My tenth post is going to be about me, talking about Shakespeare and Macbeth, a viewpoint that has to do much with psychology... You know, this Shakespeare guy is a very very smart dude and his imagination is simply superb, so amazing till i want to actually doubt his gender... I am used to girls having amazing imagination, but a guy, at that times???

Okay, so anyway, Ms Dzeelfa took us on a journey ride with Shakespeare and Macbeth, and her revelations of the novel made me think hard.... What did i think bout?? I shall let you know here...

First and foremost, Shakespeare is very very forward in his thinking.... How? If we see in the witches and Lady Macbeth, and how Macbeth adressess Lady Macbeth, we can see evidence for this.... Shakespeare knows that women love to gossip, and i guess , that even in the olden era where women had to wear iron bras, they loved to gossip, and dear Shakespeare beautifully penned this quality of women in his play... I mean, of course they couldn't gossip about make up and hot guys, they are witches, so they gossiped about disgusting materials for witch craft and revenge... But hey, even now, women love crapping about revenge right? So how backwards was Shakespeare? 

But Shakespeare was very forward when it came to how a man should treat a woman, especially after marriage... Okay, we see in the letter that Macbeth sends to Lady Macbeth that he adresses her as his " my dearest partner in greatness "... I am not very sure about the era where Shakespeare lived in, but i know that now, even in an era where we have reached modernisation, women are still not always regarded with equality... For shakespeare to write about women being a man's partner in greatness in his era, he was a very forward thinking man... amazing mr shakespeare...simply amazing....

Okay, now we have moved past that, lets look at his amazing imagination and use of words... I love it the way he wrote what Lady Macbeth says to Macbeth, " look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under't". Lets look at the way he put it... Flower is filled with honey and a serpent is filled with poison... Lady Macbeth wants Macbeth who is as sweet as honey to become a man who is as poisonous as a snake.... Which wife would want that? But Lady Macbeth does.... The play of word, the use of juxtapose of having one man but making him don on a different character from his real character.. Shakespeare has done a brilliant job actually....

Next, lets take a closer look at Lady Macbeth...

Lady Macbeth : tis to tender tha babe that milks me, i would, while it was smiling in my face, have pluc'd my nipple from its boneless gums. and dash'd the brains out, had i so sworn as you have done this...

OH MY MOTHER OF JESUS..... what kind of lady can say that..... Isn't it so obvious that she has never borne a child... What kind of mother can say that about her own child? The one that she carries in her womb and gives birth to? This was the worst kinds of imagery, i nearly vomited, and cried as Ms Dzeelfa was explaining this part to us in the class.... arghhhhh...damn, i hate you woman.... i mean...Lady Macbeth...

Another thing in this entire play that i found very very fascinating is the very fact that Shakespeare has not used a name for Lady Macbeth.... You see, a name gives you an identity... Lady Macbeth, is known as Lady Macbeth..... Macbeth's wife... That is her identity...his wife.... nothing else... If you see in my previous post, i did question about why couldn't Shakespeare have given her a more feminine name.... But now i somehow find a connection, although it might not be entirely true... You see, there is a part where Lady Macbeth does say " Unsex me"... Remember? She does not want to be a woman, she wants to be a man... Thus, that is why she shares Macbeth's name, besides being his partner in greatness, she is also sharing his name of masculinity.... Gosh, this can bring up to another question of GAY...but i am so not gonna discuss it here....

Another thing about Shakespeare is that he uses a lot of psychology in his writing... From olden days to now.... men will be men, and women will be women.... A man does not want to do something, either the women seduces his mind out of his head or she challenges his manliness, and, tadahhh.... yeah, he becomes a total kitten in her hands...speaking figuratively....

So, that is exactly what Shakespeare has done in Macbeth... Maybe it was not right to allow Lady Macbeth to seduce Macbeth, as she did not seem very feminine, so he just made her to challenge Macbeth.. awesome right???

 However, shakespeare also explores a person's change in life... How? Again we have Lady Macbeth.. From being such a cruel lady, she becomes one wrought with guilt and pain that takes her to her deathbed... So here, maybe he was trying to tell that, humans change, they do have the capability to change..and maybe he was also trying to instill moral values to people reading it.. I mean, he can't allow Lady Macbeth to go on living happily forever and after right? Then everyone would think that i can do anything i want, i will be fine...

Well.... Thats hat i wanted to point out, Shakespeare's forwardness in thinking, his intelligence, his use of psychology, his understanding about woman and men.... Whoa, he is one hell of a man....

This is funny right?

Well then, it's time to say goodbye, but don't worry, this ain't the last of me... I will be coming back.... with my next post :P

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