Monday, May 7, 2012

(2) The Thing About Macbeth

... And yes, I attempted to read Macbeth. The simplified English version of course. Starting with something lighter would definitely ease my mind of dealing with the unfamiliarity of old English. ... And yes, I tried to understand what the story is all about. ...And yes, like all Shakespearian tragedies. It's all so tragic.

The one part that really caught my attention was the witches scene. It is once again, about prophecies. Once prophecy was highlighted, it reminded me of a few more other stories. One is of course Oedipus, because it is still fresh in mind. Another would be Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban & Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix. In this 2 books, it was said that 'The Grim' can be read from Harry's prophecy reading cup. It was told that having 'The Grim' means that Harry would be in grave danger, which means he might most probably die. While the other book, Harry came across his prophecy glass ball that beholds the truth of what he will encounter in the future and what would happen to him in the end. Which is also quite tragic.

All in all, this prophecy business taught me something. Never to trust a person entirely of their judgment on you. Prophecies are only told, but what is done, is entirely UP TO YOU. If only one did not act upon what they have heard, nothing would have happen, perhaps. They can easily avoid all these complications if only they remember not to cross the line.

After reading a little on Macbeth, I realized that there are many highlighted issues that are still being practiced until today. Well, issues such as the belief in prophecies, betrayal, greed an so forth. It amazes me that these issues, though highlighted so many centuries ago, it still exist until this very day. It shows that human beings may have progressed in the aspects of technology, lifestyle, ecomomy, education, but definitely not their minds. In this modern world, we still chase after power and possessions. As the saying goes, "knowledge is power". In my point of view, "knowledge is power, power is money, money is the root of all evil, evil is destruction.


Human beings... magnificent, but such a pity. Not knowing what you have until you lose it. Some say, smart people learn from their mistakes. I would say, smarter people learn from other people's mistakes. Thus, after reading Macbeth and many other similar stories, I learned that we should try our best to stay away and resist the one thing in life that could harm and destroy us in many ways...


1 comment:

  1. That's why in some religions it is forbidden to seek services to predict the future. It may cause a person to not want to work to better themselves, or he may simply give up from trying since he already knows what is going to happen in the future. Some may turn into Macbeth, working towards making sure that the predictions become true. And that can be really ugly.

    Issues of greed and ambition will continue in the generations to come. Our task in life is to control and keep these issues from poisoning the make up of our beings.

    Religion also teaches that with prayers and through hardwork, whatever that is fated can be changed. But of course we don't know whatever is instore for us in the first place. So that's why we have to continue praying for the best.
