Tuesday, May 29, 2012

(12) Goodbye to Macbeth, Goodbye to the Hats....

Hello, Khayma here... and this is my twelfth post, and this will also be my last post.....

On a whole, i enjoyed Macbeth immensely... the story, was introduced to me by my Form 5 teacher, it became a major part of my life now.... in my 6th semester and UPM... And i am happy that i know something regarding Macbeth.....

Macbeth has also somehow, made me want to read more in the future....what i mean is, read Shakespeare...as now, i know the technique of how to read Shakespearean play... It would be a waste, would it not, to not use my new found capabilities to its fullest???

I loved the video makings.... The hip hop video was a blast.... It was amazing and awesome.... I thank Ms Dzeelfa for giving us the project, something that made us think, something that brought out the creativity in us.... It was absolutely FUN!!!! Like Peisha said.... " Our mission is to make Ms Dzeelfa fall off her chair laughing".... We haven't projected the video, and i do hope that when we do, Ms Dzeelfa will have a good time laughing yea.....Trust me...it was tough making it... All those technicalities..... All the rapping, the script forgetting..... The waking khayma up from bed to bathe and get ready to shoot moments....oh my......

The LHE 3255 course itself? I love the lecturer...  friendly person definitely.... I love the materials taht we used, that we explored... I loved the presentations, because i am the kind of person who loves to stand in front and talk...and talk...and...talk..... LHE 3255 also helped us, THE HATS.... a lot...we bonded like crazy...we had good times, gathering in the room, talking, doing work.... I have no other friends who are as close as the hats are to me... Thank you my hats..... Nisah who always "hati busuk-ed" me and shramila... peisha who always motivated me and was always there for me...Pejot/faizah who shares my love for romantic novels and shares my emo tempraments.... and Sharmila...who is the bestest roomate...the one who'll "rape " you if you emo too much...haisyy..where can i find groupmates/coursemates/friends like that?

Yes, a very positive course, a lot of positive feelings.... I enjoyed myself on the whole....

Thank you Ms Dzeelfa...

Thank you Lhe 3255

Thank you MAcbeth....

Thank You Hats, for this amazing experience and friendship...


I seriously do hate goodbyes.... they make me so totally sensitive... and i feel like crying now....arghhhh

Nothing can beat the memories of Macbeth, the fun and rolling around...the preparation for assignments.... nothing...

So again...goodbye.... so totally....

I have to say it..... Goodbye....

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