Sunday, June 3, 2012

(10) Hip hop Macbeth

Hi Miss Dzeelfa...

    The entire process of making this video will always stay in my mind. It was the best-est and most memorable video that i have ever taken part in my 3 years here in UPM. We started shooting on a Saturday evening at about 6pm. It was quite late because I went out to meet my dad and i came back to UPM after that. So Peisha and Khayma waited for me. Not only that, Peisha had prepared the script,the clothes and accessories for all of us so that we can all look like Hip-Hop queens. Khayma had to find sunglasses for me because we were short of 1 pair..

   Nisah and Faizah wanted to help with the video making... So Nisah took the video while Faizah held our script for us.. The entire process took 2 hours and thank God it was just in time. We managed to get it done by 8 and at that time i was already so dark... Not forgetting those mosquitoes.. We had many scenes whereby we had to redo it.. This is because the script was so funny that we keep wanting to laugh... We couldn't control ourselves.. Peisha laughed the most during her rapping part.. Haha..But the whole thing was fun as we really enjoyed ourselves filming it compared to the first video.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you Miss Dzeelfa. This class with you is an eye opener. Having you as our lecturer was a truly blessed experience..

(9) Hip hop video production vs original Macbeth video

Hi Miss Dzeelfa 

     The first video we did was tough compared to the second video. Using old English was quite tough on me since i was the 'actress'.. Pronouncing those words took some time as i need to make sure it is right. Besides, it was quite taxing on us 'the Hats' as we were quite stressed while taking the video. It was an experience doing it but we persevered with it. We couldn't really relate to the emotions portrayed using Old English. 

     However, on the second video we really had fun doing it. As you have divided us into 2 groups, i was with Peisha and Khayma for the hip hop video. It was so funny especially when Peisha showed me script. It was much easier. The script is so interesting and it definitely connects with me as i had fun saying it. I prefer the second video more than the first one because even after watching it more than 20 times, i still laugh because it's so funny. 

In conclusion, we still have you to thank because this video is like the finale for our course and time together apart from the final material presentation that we did on our last Friday class. I had fun watching all the videos that my friends showed in the class and i couldn't stop laughing. Thank you for the experience Miss Dzeelfa.. 

(13) Sayonara

Assalamualaikum and Hi Miss Dzeelfa!
And hello people!  (Yes, you!)
I guess this is my last post. And yeah, it always hard to say good bye. Isn’t it?
As known, we started this course with Alicia, and it is such a big relieve. Maybe because we already known her for about 2 years (she used to be our tutor)
And then, she announced that MISS DZEELFA will take over her place and she will teach us this subject for the whole semester. Honestly, it is not a really good news for me at that time. I’m afraid that you are one of the ‘not so like’-type of lecturer. Errr sorry Miss Dzeelfa!
And situation become more complicated and worst, when the first time you enter our class. You did give  us a really specific explanation on what to expect in your class, and you did mention about our role in class. It is really specific, full of objective, clear, and as far as I concern, after being a TESL-ian for almost 3 years, there are no other lecturers who present their objective in slides! Most of them were just explain it verbally (correct me if I am wrong). But you did that and  it freaks me out! fuuuhhhh fuhhhhhh =_____='
As time flies…
You did prove to us that you are not one of the ‘not so like’-type of lecturer. In fact, you are one of the ‘most likeable’ lecturers! You handled the class very well! And the most important thing, there is no term as ‘boring’ in your class. You know how to attract our attention, and the best part is; the assignments! It is not in  the typical ways of assignments-writing,reports,etc. It is really enjoyable! Thank you! :) and and and ...Errr are you mad if I said that you reminds me of Dr Jayakaran a/l Mukundan? No! No! not because both of you look alike! Obviously! (LOL LOL)!, but in term of the way you guys conduct the class, design of the assignments, and the way you guys catch our attention! Thank you.
Last but not least, thank you for brings Macbeth into my life. (haha)
Thank you for being a great lecturer!
Thank you for helps us a lot!
Thank you for being patient with us!
Thank you for everything!
Thank you so much!
Thank you! :)
Source: Google. Hehehe

Nur Hanisah Safian (152604)

(11) Last But Not Least

Okay... How did I sync the song with the rap?

1) First, I wrote a few lines that rhyme. Just to get the gist in.
2) Then, I search for the right hip-hop drum instrumental that fits the lines I wrote.
3) I found a few instrumentals that were good, so I tried rapping my lines to the song.
4) Found the perfect one, so I continued writing to suit the tempo of the song.
5) Then I recorded myself doing the entire rap along with the drum instrumentals.
6) Then I memorized the tempo.
7) While shooting the video, there were no music, all I had were just my rap lyrics.
8) I had to remember the tempo as I was rapping.
9) During the video editing, I just made sure that I insert the song at the right point so that it syncs with my rap.
10) That is how it is done :D

I actually enjoyed both the videos. Of course we can't deny that the one done in old English was tough. But I find it equally laughable. It was just different, and fun in their own ways. I personally enjoyed both because I think both videos highlight different aspects. The language, the setting, the mood, the tone, the expectations, all and all they were just a load of fun to watch and do. It is definitely a great idea to get the next batch of this course to do as we did. It is really a lot of fun, plus, I had fun learning Macbeth this way. And it is definitely wayyyyy faster learning through the production of videos.

In a coconut shell, it was all goooooood~ *Happy Wappy*

Thank you Ms Dzeelfa :)

(12) Macbeth VS Meqbeh

Assalamualaikum and Hi Miss Dzeelfa! ;)
Phewww... the moment I write type this entry, I just got back from my grandma’s house. Thank god I managed to come back to Upm before midnight!  Hehe
Your question:
The difference making the first and the second video in terms of understanding the scene that u dealt with. In what sense was it different? Was it easier/more difficult? Why?
My answer:
YEAH! There are huge differences in making the first and second video!  Obvilusly!
so, here it goes!

The first video: (MACBETH)
Ehem, Ehem,honestly, I don’t really understand our script, and not only that, I also had a hard time to digest the meaning of the script! We need to retake some of the scenes because the usage of old English. I still remember the part where the actors said the line and we were like…(emmmm what is she/he means?) And because of that, we need to refer to the only literature lover in the group. Khaymalatha Balakrishnan it is! :) Oh ya, in the first video, I am not really understand the storyline of itself! Tskk.Tskk T___T (Pathetic!)  At that time, I need to ask Khayma to actually explain to me which scene we are working on and the reason why the scene is important! As the result, while we are recording our video, I can’t contribute much idea! I am half blank!  

The second video: (MEQBEH)
Oh yes! This is the interesting part! I think I already told you how much I love this video at the previous entry. Didn’t I?  The major different between the first and the second video is that, we know what we are talking about! And it allows us to feel the characters more. In fact, in the second video, all the group members had wonderful ideas on how to enhance the scenes, improve the acting (facial expression, movement) to make it as real as possible.  In my opinion, it is because most of us know what we are working on, and we have a better understanding about the story. And of course, the language used which is the northen dialect make it lot easier! :D In the second video, we also need to retake quite a number of scenes, why? Because we can’t hold the laughter! It is so funny! HAHAHA
However, it is an interesting journey for me. From the first until the second video, from totally blur, until half blur, to quarter blur, and until now, quite clear *claps*! :P
Till then!
Thank you.
Hanisah Safian( 152604)

(11) All Hail MEQBAH!

 Assalamualaikum and Hi Miss Dzeelfa!
Alhamdulillah, our video’s presentation went just fine and perfect! As usual, you always gave a very positive feedback to each of the group. It is so exciting and relieve to see the laughter from members of the floor. Feels like everything was paid off! Thank you.
And…and…and… you know what Miss Dzeelfa, I keep repeating watching the video. “MEQBEH” is just something for me.  Yes, we done quite a number of videos before but Meqbeh is totally different. Special indeed! And again, thanks for the golden opportunity Miss!  :’)


And you did ask us before whether we are still going to ‘be with’ Macbeth, or just close the book and don’t bother about it anymore. As for me, Yes! I will! I won’t give up on him. Oh ya! And if you still remember, after you read my persona poem, you did ask me to inform you if one day I change my opinion towards her. errr does it ring a bell?
My answer: I still hate and hate and hate and hate her! and it won’t change!(as for now)  ;P
Sorry Sammy!
 Why Sammy?
Because she mad at me!
Why she mad at me?
You wondering huh?
Because the fact that I hate her beloved Lady Macbeth! HAHAHAHAHAHA ;D
(True story)

That‘s all for now. Thank you!
Hanisah Safian (152604)

(13) Faizahaishah and joke...:)

# I should find this T-shirt

Yaaa..I love Shakespeare's works.That's what I mean...HAHAHAHA....
Is this considered as the last post??Warghhhhhh…so sad, I loved this blog. Okay…no need to be melodramatic faizah….yes and yes, I truly loved this blog and all post in it. You know…this LAST post basically is my reflection on what I’ve learned and post.yaaa...about the title, i have no idea what to named this post but i wanted to relate it with Shakespeare as a tribute....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I re-read all of my previous post. From the first time I post until today post. You know..I compare my first post with the latest post. I’m shocked. I saw a different perspective from my own thoughts. I’m shocked to see, how I develop from my first post until this moment.

The first post, I can see how clueless I am about Macbeth. How frustrated I am when you assigned us to read the original text. I’ve never thought I will read Macbeth till the last page. I also think I might screw up because I thought Macbeth is really tough…silly me, right? I think…just because of Macbeth is in old English, I started to demotivated to read it…I start this post with none…zero knowledge about Macbeth. Remember you give us the pre-test about Macbeth? I don’t know what I read, and I have no idea what I’ve answer in that test. Then I read my second and the next post, how I develop in reading Macbeth. From zero knowledge….Until today, not that I mastering Macbeth but I can say that I have an input about Macbeth. So, now…no one can lie to me about Macbeth..HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH….

Now, I’ve come to the last post. Not to brag about myself but…I glad to realize that I’ve develop in knowing Macbeth. I start this semester without any information about Macbeth, but today I know Macbeth..but I’ll never stop from knowing Macbeth. If before this, I’ve never intended to read Shakespeare old English works but today..I’ve finish Macbeth and I’m proud of myself. Now, I am looking forward to read his other works. Remember my post how I looking forward to read Twelfth night and Midsummer Night’s Dream? I’ve started reading it. thing, it is about Hamlet. For your information..before this I’ve heard about Hamlet but I’ve never interested to read it. Remember when you tell the class the gist of the story..and shown us the video. I makes my own effort to search for it in the internet. When internet is not enough for me, I asks Khayma about it…pity her, have to entertain my questions about Macbeth, Sometimes I argue with her about the relevant of Hamlet’s mother married her own brother in-law when her husband just died..hahahhahahaha....anyway thanks a lot to Khayma, cause she willing to share what she knows. You can asks her to know, how am I excited to talks about it when before this, I don’t give a damn at all about it. I tell you this because I want to share with you, how I develop my interest towards all these.

If before this, I know nothing about Macbeth and hate Shakespeare old English works….but today, I change my mind…I’ve heard and know more than that.

Thank you for giving me this opportunity…Insyallah, I’ll never stop what we’ve started.

p/s:do we have to close this blog after this semester end?? i really love this this blog....*just wondering*

(12) Macbeth or Meqbeh?

Hollla…sorry for the late entry.

There are different between first video and second video. For me, the first video is tough on the script part. The language is very old…and when we recording it, we have to take it few time, because sharmila has a tongue slip while says the line. I think what make it hard, it is because the language is not a everyday language..I mean the language are not what we spokes everyday..The English is very old and are not use in daily conversations. Other than that, I think the first video are not very interesting…I mean the making is interesting but the video is a bit boring because really depend on the original script.

While in a second language, we found it really interesting. Maybe because we use our own dialect and we have the freedom to adapt the script to suit our context and dialect. However we still have difficulties in making this video. As I say in the previous post, some of us are not from northern district, so they cannot speak in northern very well. There are some scene when we have to re-take few time because of the language is not a northern dialect. Other than that, there are few words or sentence that we cannot find it in our northern dialect. We have to change it and adapt to the script.

If you asks me, which one I like the most..Of course I will say I like the second video. I think the second video is very interesting idea. I think, all my classmates enjoying themselves in the video sessions that day. If u heard a most loud laugh from the back, I think that’s me. All of the video I’ve watched, I laugh.

Thank you for giving us this experience. If you didn’t assign us with these tasks, I also didn’t realize what we capable to do. Thanks a lot Miss Dzeelfa.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

(10) Hip-Hop-in' Sistas

When I first found out that Khayma, Sharmila and I had to do the witches scene in HIP HOP, I was blown away! 

I was thinking, how in the world are we gonna make this happen? All I think of is laughter, laughter and more laughter! I was already laughing before the shooting itself. The thought of it was already funny enough to keep me laughing for hours. I was laughing the entire time I was writing the script. I was trying to concentrate and make my lines rhyme, but I was totally distracted by my laughter. But it was an amazing experience. 

Here's the script Ms Dzeelfa, enjoy...

Peisha: Hey sista!
Khayma: Yo sista!
Sharmila: Soul sistas!
Khayma: Where've yall been sistas?
Peisha: (Rap)
           I was at the market, gettin' booze and a Kit Kat,
           Tryna' get a half stack, 'stead I got a Tic Tac,
           Linin' up the fast lane, ready with ma' small change,
           Then comes lil' o' Maggie Jane,
           Cuttin' ma' line is she insane?

           I said heyo lady! Would you please excuse me,
           You aint' gonna cut ma' line and actin' all so poopy.

           Imma' put my swag on,
           Better be sorry, not be gone,
           Imma' show ya who's da boss,
           Mark ma' words, yall be tempest-tossed.
Khayma: Gosh sista! Imma' give lil' o' Maggie Jane a piece o' ma' mind!
Sharmila: That's right! Messin' with our sista, who she thinks she is?!
Peisha: Aint' no worries sista, I got it covered. I got a pack o' gum, I chewed it, I put it in her pocket, she'll be havin' fun lookin' for her car keys.
Khayma & Sharmila: Cool! Eyo sista!
Khayma: Oh my! Ya hear that? I say Macbeth is comin'
Sharmila: Right, right, let's get goin' sistas!
Together: We hip hopin' sistas hand in hand,
               Got our swags where there's no end,
               Take our time let's dance let's dance,
               3 times to yall, 3 times to mine,
               3 times to us and adds up to nine.
Peisha: Alright, let's cracke' lackin'
Macbeth: (Gasp) Who the hell are yall?!
Peisha: Yo Macbeth! Yaw the man o' Glamis!
Khayma: Yo Macbeth! Yaw the man o' Cawdor.
Sharmila: Yo Macbeth! Yaw gonna be da man till the day ya die!
Macbeth: What the crap you guys talkin' bout?!
Khayma: Talk to hand Macbeth, we gotta go now!

The part where we had to dress up really cracked me up. Reading out the lines cracked us up every time we watch our video. It was really embarrassing the first time watching it. After a while, it was really nice to watch. The greatest most memorable experience so far throughout the course. Thank you very much Ms Dzeelfa. I loved the experience learning with you. :)

Friday, June 1, 2012

(13) Macbeth gone all hip hop...

Hey ho..... You can guess right? It's me Khayma again... 

Sorry, i mean, i just could not keep away...

But this post is to simply upload the HIP HOP soul sista's going all nigger and rappers in the witches scene...

So, Ms Dzeelfa did ask us to do Macbeth, the hip hop version of it.... 
 It was Peisha, Khayma and Sharmila in one group, and so, the powerpuff girls.... became, 


Sounds weird??

At first, i wanted to gossip girls.... But peisha said why not one person be gossipy, one becomes a diva and the last one a rapper... but then, i told her, we would not have a consept and it would be we finally agreed to go., all hip hop....

Sharmila's idea of hip hop was, NIKI MINAJ...OMG...i just never understood anything that MINAJ we said NO WAY

So then, i gave Peisha the part that we were going to work on, and she did the script... I must say, the script was AMAZING....

She came to my room on Saturday, ( Sharmila had gone out) and banged my door till i awoke from my beauty sleep....

She was too excited about the script, and so, half asleep, i listened, being jolted awoken by her slaps on my shoulder...

My lord.... Then she literally dragged me to my bathroom, and asked me to shower, and she got all the accesories ready... I came back, and got ready...

Sharmila also came back,a nd we got our gadis perak, Hanisah and Faizah to help us film.. It was 6 in the evening... we wanted to finish it by 7, but unfortunately, lines went wrong, there was too much laughter, and even at 7.30, the sky was getting darker, and we still haven't finished... Then the azan maghrib was on, and we had to wait...which is why the later part of the video was darker.... 

Hanisah was our dearest macbeth.... borrowing us her voice in the video.... 

Faizah held the script for us.... 

We had a few more additional scenes actually, in mind, but not executed, coz it was too tough... haisyyy...sorry

But, i think this was an immense success.... 

We did achieve our target of making everyone LAUGH... yeayyy

The other groups, ALL of them, the facebook group, the tamil, cantonese, utara, east coast boys and girls.... the manglish group, the sabah and sarawak individual, oh my, the videos were seriously amazingly AWESOME....

I never knew ther was so much talent within my coursemates.... This is one really amazing project... I was thinking, what will Dr Jaya say if he watches it? Will he too, fall off the chair laughing??

Yes, it was marvelous, and thanks to the amazing individual who inspired and motivated us, as well as guided us and came up with this awesome idea.... who else, if not...



Thats all, thank you :)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

(11) Macbeth or Lady Macbeth????

Haiii…Miss Dzeelfa,hope you don’t mind.

Can I still write even I’ve reach 10th posts? I just loves to reflect on what I’ve read and think…. At least I can share something with my friends…Since I’m not good in literature, I like to post it here..So that, my friends can teaches me more and correct me. Ohh yaaa… You know, this questions keep appear in my mind lately. Till this point I still cannot decide.

Macbeth or Lady Macbeth? Which one are evil than other? I cannot say Macbeth is evil than Lady Macbeth? At first, he is a nice person but at the end he changes to be an evil person.  I also shouldn’t say Lady Macbeth is evil than Macbeth. She maybe an evil woman at first but at the end she feel guilt. There is still human trait in herself. She also died because of her guiltiness.

Macbeth or Lady Macbeth? Which one we should blame? I cannot blame Macbeth for everything has happened. Yes.. He is the one who did the murder but, at first he does not wiling to. He has to do when his wife accused him for being coward. Man have their own ego, they will accept any challenge to protect their dignity. But all this cannot be used as a proof to blame Lady Macbeth. She also have no choice, She just do what she thinks is right. Every woman loves power. So did her, she just wants to be the queen and be respected by people.

Macbeth or Lady Macbeth ? which on are heartless than another? Macbeth may seem hesitate when his wife asks him to kill King Duncan. Even after he killed King Duncan, he feels scared and guilty. However, after that, he willing to kill his own best friend, Banquo.  How selfish he is when he willing to kill his own best friend just to cover his darkest deed.But I cannot said that Macbeth is heartless than Lady Macbeth. Lady Macbeth also a heartless woman. She also care for King Duncan but she willing Duncan died just because she wants her husband have the throne and she’ll be the queen. To show how heartless she is, I quote from Act 1 scene 7:

What beast was't then
That made you break this enterprise to me?
When you durst do it, then you were a man;(55)
And, to be more than what you were, you would
Be so much more the man. Nor time nor place
Did then adhere, and yet you would make both:
They have made themselves, and that their fitness now
Does unmake you. I have given suck, and know(60)
How tender ’tis to love the babe that milks me:
I would, while it was smiling in my face,
Have pluck'd my nipple from his boneless gums,
And dash'd the brains out, had I so sworn as you
Have done to this.(65) 

How heartless she is when she said this line. But, this also is not a proof to say Lady Macbeth are heartless than Macbeth.

Can I say both of them are equal? They are perfect couple? I remember in the letter Macbeth sent to his wife…He was addressing his wife as His partner of greatness. For me…I think both of them share the evilness and both of them were heartless but I still cannot blame them. I don’t want to be judgmental. For me, I’ve never hated these two characters neither admires them, I just being rational that people will do anything to achieved their dreams. Can I say both of them too ambitious? I mean in negative connotations…

By the way, I found some quotes that I think can relate with the character.

Macbeth misuse his power as a king:

“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.” 
― Abraham Lincoln

Lady Macbeth, pretty yet dangerous….

“Beauty's only skin deep.
Everybody has ugly days.
We're all made of the same stuff underneath.
Acting right is better than looking right.
Realize what make you special beyond looks.
Evil can look pretty on the outside.” 
Shannon Delany, 13 to Life


Assalamualaikum and Hi Miss Dzeelfa!
Hello people! ;)
Meqbeh? Yeah, it is 'Macbeth' in Northen Dialect! (HAHA)
My group and I have been assigned to do a Macbeth video BUT in a northen dialect! (LOL).
The moment I saw my name and several others in your post at our facebook  group,and you mentioned there that we need to do it in  northen dialect, I was like.... HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! :P
I can't imagine how to change the dialogue-from a very old english,bombastic words,sophisticated english to Northen dialect!
Oh! there is a mojor problem, to be specific, MY problem. Honestly,I am not really good in northen dialect, and in fact, I myself hardly to understand the dialect. Yes, shame on me. BOOOO! I am a Perak-ian, but my family and I didn't really practicing the dialect, and perhaps because of the origin of my family itself. We were born in a place where the northen dialect are not really applied and it is quite impossible to hear the dialect at my place. There is no "kome,ate,awat,ect''.
But... it was a  great experience! The whole scenes in our video involved only one place, which is Bukit Ekspo,UPM. Beautiful scenery,calm, full of trees, suit the theme of our video. J
My group consist of five people, which are: Najmi, Maal, Faizah, Siti Awatif, and me, Hanisah Safian J
The recording part was the toughest among all. However, we still managed to finish up all the scenes in about three hours time. Tiring? Yeap. Happy? Yeap yeap!

The making of 'MEQBEH':

The witches



It is surely and obviously will become one of the sweetest memories!
Thank you! ;)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

(9) Back to basic!

Hi Miss Dzeelfa! ;)

As you know, all my previous entries mostly were talking about ‘Macbeth’,and I wonder what to share about in this entry.

After several thought, I have decided to back to basic! Yes!Back to basic!

All this while, we (TESLian) was gone through several works by William Shakespeare. For example Measure of Measure, The Sonnet,  and now Macbeth! But somehow, I never bother to actually know better about Shakespeare’s profile. I just know the surface about him, not in deep! Ya, obviously I know his name, some of his work,and just  little bit of his personal life, and I think it is the time for me to reveal who Shakespeare is! (Although I’m sure most of you know him better!)
So people! Meet William Shakespeare! Tadaaaa

flawless huh? :P

Who are you dear Shakespeare?

Based on Mr. Wikipedia:
“William Shakespeare was born on 26 April 1564, and he died on 23 April 1616. was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's per-eminent dramatist.He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon"He then wrote mainly tragedies until about 1608, including Hamlet, King Lear, Othello, and Macbeth, considered some of the finest works in the English language.”

In my opinion, other than his awesome works, the most appealing issue regarding Shakespeare is about his sexuality. I still remember, when I was in form four my teacher used to talked about this issue and it is a very interesting to discuss as a whole groups. In that time, we will see variety of point of view from different people from different perspective. He was suspected that he had an affairs with other women, and more surprisingly he was also suspected as ‘gay’ based on the analysis of his finest,greatest poem-Sonnet 18, when he compare this famous phrase: “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day” to a man!

However, I still salute him for every amazing works that he has produced, and I am sure that it will last until..until..forever?

Oh by the way, I seriously adore "ROMEO AND JULIET" ! :D

Hanisah Safian (152604) 

(12) Goodbye to Macbeth, Goodbye to the Hats....

Hello, Khayma here... and this is my twelfth post, and this will also be my last post.....

On a whole, i enjoyed Macbeth immensely... the story, was introduced to me by my Form 5 teacher, it became a major part of my life now.... in my 6th semester and UPM... And i am happy that i know something regarding Macbeth.....

Macbeth has also somehow, made me want to read more in the future....what i mean is, read now, i know the technique of how to read Shakespearean play... It would be a waste, would it not, to not use my new found capabilities to its fullest???

I loved the video makings.... The hip hop video was a blast.... It was amazing and awesome.... I thank Ms Dzeelfa for giving us the project, something that made us think, something that brought out the creativity in us.... It was absolutely FUN!!!! Like Peisha said.... " Our mission is to make Ms Dzeelfa fall off her chair laughing".... We haven't projected the video, and i do hope that when we do, Ms Dzeelfa will have a good time laughing yea.....Trust was tough making it... All those technicalities..... All the rapping, the script forgetting..... The waking khayma up from bed to bathe and get ready to shoot moments....oh my......

The LHE 3255 course itself? I love the lecturer...  friendly person definitely.... I love the materials taht we used, that we explored... I loved the presentations, because i am the kind of person who loves to stand in front and talk...and LHE 3255 also helped us, THE HATS.... a lot...we bonded like crazy...we had good times, gathering in the room, talking, doing work.... I have no other friends who are as close as the hats are to me... Thank you my hats..... Nisah who always "hati busuk-ed" me and shramila... peisha who always motivated me and was always there for me...Pejot/faizah who shares my love for romantic novels and shares my emo tempraments.... and Sharmila...who is the bestest roomate...the one who'll "rape " you if you emo too much...haisyy..where can i find groupmates/coursemates/friends like that?

Yes, a very positive course, a lot of positive feelings.... I enjoyed myself on the whole....

Thank you Ms Dzeelfa...

Thank you Lhe 3255

Thank you MAcbeth....

Thank You Hats, for this amazing experience and friendship...


I seriously do hate goodbyes.... they make me so totally sensitive... and i feel like crying now....arghhhh

Nothing can beat the memories of Macbeth, the fun and rolling around...the preparation for assignments.... nothing...

So again...goodbye.... so totally....

I have to say it..... Goodbye....

Monday, May 28, 2012

(8) Persona Poem - Lady Macbeth

Hi Miss Dzeelfa, I choose Lady Macbeth because i admire her tenacity and passion to kill Duncan. In my opinion not everyone can stand firm on the decision that they have made. But Lady Macbeth see to it that she kills Duncan because she has plannned for his death thoroughly.

Lady Macbeth, 
Cunning, Deceitful, Tenacious, and Persuasive
The wicked partner of King Macbeth 
Who loves supremacy, Macbeth and Scotland
Who hates weak-willed men, procrastination, and hesitation
Who wants the throne for her beloved husband
Scotland's bold Queen 
Hail Lady Macbeth!

(7) Evaluation on the other groups video.

Hi Miss Dzeelfa,
     Firstly, I wasn’t sure of how the whole class and even you would accept our video. As we had to present our video towards the end, I had goose bumps thinking of how wonderful the rest of my friends’ videos were. I compared theirs to ours. But when you gave your positive comments and also praised us because our concept was different, I was relieved. Thanks for believing in us Miss Dzeelfa.

     Well, I was amazed by my friends’ ability and creativity in doing the first Macbeth video which was assigned to all of us. They did an amazing job!.

     In, Adiba’s group, I love the way they filmed the fighting scene. It was funny because it looks like Adiba and Dora was fighting on air. It was done so effortlessly cute!! Dayang was handsome and so is Hanis. I want to praise them for the scenes that they have chosen. It was quite long and they managed to do it well. It was very entertaining. Younger audience would love it and be able to connect with it in no time.

     As for Yarhui and Dinie’s group, it is quite interesting. I love Dinie’s accent! She got her sinus at the correct timing I would say. The way she used her handkerchief to rub off the stains in her hands, looks exactly similar to Lady Macbeth in the movie that you have showed to us in the class. The techniques used are varied and it’s good that Laila used those. Nice directing of the video from Yar Hui.

     Next, it’s the boys group. It’s so hilarious! Should really give them credits because they took into account the minor details in Macbeth like the song, bagpipes and the clothes Scottish people wear that some of us forget to emphasize. I like the song as it can activate the appropriate schemata of those watching so that they can know that it’s somehow related to the Scottish people. Very smart of them! And not forgetting those kilts.. Haha... Funny!! And i actually thought that Najmi was a horse because he was kneeling.. Sorry Najmi.

     Then, it’s the Weird Sisters. Love their introduction. The fact that Shiauyin took the ideas from Vampire Diaries is so creative. The relevance was there, which is to show the power of the witches. They manipulated what they know from the series into producing this video. Beautiful witches which was a distraction... Just kidding. But i love their long gowns.

Lastly, it’s Zulaikha’s group. They were fortunate to have Alex to help them to act out Macbeth’s part. Love his accent. It was quite lengthy and boring maybe due to the dialogues chosen. However it would be appropriate for mature audiences who are into Macbeth or those who knows the story beforehand.
In conclusion, basically all my friends did well and I’m proud of them.

(6) The first video for Macbeth with the Hats

Hi Miss Dzeelfa. 
     When you gave us the instruction to do a play, we were not really clear about what we should do. But thanks to Khayma, she got the script done in no time. She even drew the characters, Lady Macbeth, Macbeth and also Duncan. It was really funny and we all laughed but I have to admit that it was awesome.

     After much clearer guidance, we came up with an idea. It came from Peisha. She gave this brilliant idea of just using only certain parts of our face to create the video. Peisha is the backbone of this group and without her I don’t know what will happen to the rest of us. She guides us and makes sure we get the things done in time. At first I was not sure of how this idea would work. I just went along with it until came the day where we had to shoot our video.

     We discussed about the plan of the video. Then it was clearer to me. We read the script together and we choose the people who will be playing the tempting Lady Macbeth. Well, since all of them were quiet, I volunteered to act her part. It was a sudden thought but I just went with it. It was actually fun!!

     Khayma showed me her entire collection of jewelleries. It was overwhelming, but Peisha selected this beautiful necklace which was glittering and fit for a queen. Haha.. Then plan was also to make me wear her beautiful gown which was really elegant. Therefore, we gathered with me ready with my freshly painted nails just for the video. :P

     I fumbled while wearing the dress. It was long and since I was short, I nearly tripped. Haha. But I was in safe hands with my Hats so it was alright. Then, Peisha put lipstick for me. That was so funny. We laughed together looking at my weird face. It was so red and the last I wore a colour like that was during my theatre performance with the Original Hats! What an experience that was.

     Then we proceeded to recording my part first because we had to wait for both guy actors as they were busy with the college stuff. Faizah was responsible for the lights and also holding my script. Thanks a million Pejot! I laughed and pronounced the words from my dialogues wrongly as Peisha recorded my part and we had to redo the scenes. Khayma had to ‘coach’ me into getting the words right and also to portray the correct emotions. Thank God she was there. If not I would have made myself a clown. Haha.

     Moreover, we had to do some scenes which required me to show that I’m a seductive queen. Since it was in the music room, we used the chimes which were available. We had to redo the scenes and Nisah gave ideas on how to make it better. Besides I had to colour my fingers so that I can spread the blood on the wall. That was much easier.

(4 of us together)

     After the ‘actors’ came, Peisha shoot their part and we ended up the whole process at about 1 am. But that wasn’t the end of the video. The editing part was handed to Hanisah. She is a pro in editing videos. We accompanied her to do the editing in her room. It was tiring especially on her part as she couldn’t really stay up that late but I admire her determination to get the video done. The editing process was tough, but she persevered until it finished. Thanks Nisah!!

     We were all fast asleep except for Peisha and Nisah. Peisha stayed up to accompany her to get it done. I guess it was at 6 am that Nisah could really rest her case. :P But she made some changes again to the video and we finally viewed it as a group the night before Monday. It was fun and tiring but it was worth it as it brought us closer than we were before. It strengthened our bond which we already had since our theatre with Pn.Juridah! Working with Hats is awesome!! Let me end this with a saying. ‘Bersatu teguh bercerai roboh’! Love you HATS!!

(5)Eve vs Lady Macbeth

     A woman can seduce a man or she can challenge a man. She can also be the downfall of a man. That’s how cruel they can be. I’m not taking sides here but I intend to prove my point. I shall elaborate on this.

     In Genesis chapter 3:1-15 from the Bible, the woman that God created, trusted the serpent and let the creature fool her. She was quick to be enticed by his cunning words. She let her greed engulf her and she didn’t obey God’s command. She coaxed, tempted, challenged and convinced Adam to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge which God forbade. Because of this, God banished both Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden.

     No matter how powerful, beautiful, and capable a woman is, the book in Genesis has already shown to us and warned us about the destruction that a woman can bring to men. Through Eve’s characteristics and actions, the true nature of women was revealed to us. Women are seen as someone who is seductive, deceitful and a tempter.

     In relation to the text Macbeth, the quotes below can clearly show us what a woman is capable of doing. Taken from Act 1, Scene 7..

Lady Macbeth 
‘Was the hope drunk    
Wherein you dress'd yourself? hath it slept since
And wakes it now, to look so green and pale      
At what it did so freely? From this time 
Such I account thy love. Art thou afeard               
To be the same in thine own act and valour                         
As thou art in desire? Wouldst thou have that
Which thou esteem'st the ornament of life,       
And live a coward in thine own esteem,               
Letting 'I dare not' wait upon 'I would,'
Like the poor cat i' the adage?’

Prithee, peace:
I dare do all that may become a man;
Who dares do more is none.

      Lady Macbeth was so adamant on killing Duncan so that her husband can be the Thane of Cawdor. She had no remorse or sympathy on their guest which was Duncan. She didn’t consider all the good things that he has done for her husband. She just let it slide past her conscience. Wow. I must praise her. She is really heartless. Cruel to the core and tenacious in her plans to kill Duncan!!

     She managed to change his mind when he was having second thoughts about committing that murder. Because of her coaxing, her husband accepted her challenge. She taunts her husband until he gives up and follows her command. Her statements to him were outrageous beyond words and shocking but Macbeth couldn’t even say no. Wow!! What a woman. Just like Eve, Lady Macbeth managed to challenge her husband to do what she wants.

Genesis 3:1-15
It was quoted and taken from the Bible that i own. I didn't plagiarize anything for your information Miss Dzeelfa ..

Sunday, May 27, 2012

(10) Macbeth in Northern Dialect?

The moment, you assigned us with this task…I start to imagine how it will look like. This time, Hats divided into two groups…me and Hanisah, doing northern dialect while Pei sha, Khayma and sharmi doing hip hop style….Alhamdulilah, we finished shooting but there are challenges that we have to gone through. …you know, not all of us can speak northern dialect very well…but they still give their best, I feel proud of them.
We having fun doing this shooting thingy….Tired, but we are happy….everyone contribute. I’ll never thought Macbeth could speak Northern dialect….I think it is really hard to translate old English into our dialect, the structure are different and some of the vocabulary do not have in our dialect..So, we have to improvise a bit but the story line still the same.

We are doing witches scenes with Macbeth and Banquo.. can you imagine? If the English version, the witches have their own mantra, can you guess how we doing it in northern dialect..Oh my god, I don’t know whether I should laugh or cry….it is really tough .I wonder what my mom will say when she watch our video…I think she’s going to cry watching her daughter become northern witch…..

*i wonder if three of us looks like:

# three witches


# three stooges actually....????

Whatever we going through while making this video, it is a great experience for me. Working with people…I learn a lot while working with them. To all northern dialect groups…thank you very much for your cooperation…glad we can work together.

*teamwork of course....yess,that us when we were doing the shooting thingy...

Lastly, I hope you (miss Dzeelfa) enjoy watching our video.Just wait and see the results....:)

Saturday, May 26, 2012

(8) Persona poem

Hi Miss Dzeelfa! :)
Lady Macbeth!

Yes, the queen of Macbeth’s heart, the most important character in the story other than Macbeth, Banquo, and Duncan. If it is not because of her attitude, this story would not become this interesting! She is the one who force her husband to do such bad things and if it is not because of her, Macbeth would not be able to do it! He did not dare to do it, and he is not willing to! Honestly, in my opinion i think that Macbeth is actually an innocent person at the beginning of the story, until the point when her wife forces him to be a murderer!

In act 1 scene 5:
“...your hand, your tongue; look like th’ innocent flower...”
This shows how kind Macbeth is!

So, this is for you Lady Macbeth!
Lady Macbeth,
Cruel, heartless, murderer!
Queen of Macbeth’s heart,
Who loves power,
Who loves wealth,
Who loves to win,
Lady Macbeth,
Who's afraid of losing,
Or should I say,
Who's afraid of nothing!
The Queen,
Lady Macbeth!

Hanisah Safian (152604)

Friday, May 25, 2012

(9)Persona Poem-Macbeth

Brave, Loyal, Soft,
The Thane of Glamis,
Who loves his wife, Throne and himself,
Who hates failures,
Who do anything to pleased his wife,
Macbeth the King

Yess..I choose Macbeth. Weird isn’t? Before this I planned to write about Lady Macbeth but yesterday, when you explained in detail about Lady Macbeth, I’m scared of her. She’s so mean, heartless, cruel and evil but yet she’s still human..There still a part of her shows that she’s feel guilt. Okay, back to Macbeth…I write poem about him because I feel pity towards him..If anyone thinks that he is a traitor, I want to look at him as a good person because I know that deep down in his heart, he never meant to kill King Duncan. I remember when he said:

Macbeth:If chance will have me King, 
Why chance may crown me,
Without my stir.

He still believes in fate that if he is meant for the throne, he will get the throne without doing anything. He never have an intention to kill the king, if his wife did not do provocations towards him, I bet he will never kill the king because he loves the king. His wife influence him to kill the king.His wife lead him to do what he really do not want to.

But what is done cannot be undone. Seriously, I feel pity towards Macbeth, so I create this poem for him.