Sunday, June 3, 2012

(11) Last But Not Least

Okay... How did I sync the song with the rap?

1) First, I wrote a few lines that rhyme. Just to get the gist in.
2) Then, I search for the right hip-hop drum instrumental that fits the lines I wrote.
3) I found a few instrumentals that were good, so I tried rapping my lines to the song.
4) Found the perfect one, so I continued writing to suit the tempo of the song.
5) Then I recorded myself doing the entire rap along with the drum instrumentals.
6) Then I memorized the tempo.
7) While shooting the video, there were no music, all I had were just my rap lyrics.
8) I had to remember the tempo as I was rapping.
9) During the video editing, I just made sure that I insert the song at the right point so that it syncs with my rap.
10) That is how it is done :D

I actually enjoyed both the videos. Of course we can't deny that the one done in old English was tough. But I find it equally laughable. It was just different, and fun in their own ways. I personally enjoyed both because I think both videos highlight different aspects. The language, the setting, the mood, the tone, the expectations, all and all they were just a load of fun to watch and do. It is definitely a great idea to get the next batch of this course to do as we did. It is really a lot of fun, plus, I had fun learning Macbeth this way. And it is definitely wayyyyy faster learning through the production of videos.

In a coconut shell, it was all goooooood~ *Happy Wappy*

Thank you Ms Dzeelfa :)

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