Saturday, June 2, 2012

(10) Hip-Hop-in' Sistas

When I first found out that Khayma, Sharmila and I had to do the witches scene in HIP HOP, I was blown away! 

I was thinking, how in the world are we gonna make this happen? All I think of is laughter, laughter and more laughter! I was already laughing before the shooting itself. The thought of it was already funny enough to keep me laughing for hours. I was laughing the entire time I was writing the script. I was trying to concentrate and make my lines rhyme, but I was totally distracted by my laughter. But it was an amazing experience. 

Here's the script Ms Dzeelfa, enjoy...

Peisha: Hey sista!
Khayma: Yo sista!
Sharmila: Soul sistas!
Khayma: Where've yall been sistas?
Peisha: (Rap)
           I was at the market, gettin' booze and a Kit Kat,
           Tryna' get a half stack, 'stead I got a Tic Tac,
           Linin' up the fast lane, ready with ma' small change,
           Then comes lil' o' Maggie Jane,
           Cuttin' ma' line is she insane?

           I said heyo lady! Would you please excuse me,
           You aint' gonna cut ma' line and actin' all so poopy.

           Imma' put my swag on,
           Better be sorry, not be gone,
           Imma' show ya who's da boss,
           Mark ma' words, yall be tempest-tossed.
Khayma: Gosh sista! Imma' give lil' o' Maggie Jane a piece o' ma' mind!
Sharmila: That's right! Messin' with our sista, who she thinks she is?!
Peisha: Aint' no worries sista, I got it covered. I got a pack o' gum, I chewed it, I put it in her pocket, she'll be havin' fun lookin' for her car keys.
Khayma & Sharmila: Cool! Eyo sista!
Khayma: Oh my! Ya hear that? I say Macbeth is comin'
Sharmila: Right, right, let's get goin' sistas!
Together: We hip hopin' sistas hand in hand,
               Got our swags where there's no end,
               Take our time let's dance let's dance,
               3 times to yall, 3 times to mine,
               3 times to us and adds up to nine.
Peisha: Alright, let's cracke' lackin'
Macbeth: (Gasp) Who the hell are yall?!
Peisha: Yo Macbeth! Yaw the man o' Glamis!
Khayma: Yo Macbeth! Yaw the man o' Cawdor.
Sharmila: Yo Macbeth! Yaw gonna be da man till the day ya die!
Macbeth: What the crap you guys talkin' bout?!
Khayma: Talk to hand Macbeth, we gotta go now!

The part where we had to dress up really cracked me up. Reading out the lines cracked us up every time we watch our video. It was really embarrassing the first time watching it. After a while, it was really nice to watch. The greatest most memorable experience so far throughout the course. Thank you very much Ms Dzeelfa. I loved the experience learning with you. :)


  1. Thank you Peisha! It's obvious that you were trying to stop yourself from laughing all the time! hahaha. You sure you're not a rapper in your past life?

  2. Hahaha... definitely not a rapper. Just articulate Ms.Dzeelfa. I'll explain the way I sync the song with the rap and the difference between the first video and the second video in my last post tonight. :)
