Sunday, June 3, 2012

(12) Macbeth VS Meqbeh

Assalamualaikum and Hi Miss Dzeelfa! ;)
Phewww... the moment I write type this entry, I just got back from my grandma’s house. Thank god I managed to come back to Upm before midnight!  Hehe
Your question:
The difference making the first and the second video in terms of understanding the scene that u dealt with. In what sense was it different? Was it easier/more difficult? Why?
My answer:
YEAH! There are huge differences in making the first and second video!  Obvilusly!
so, here it goes!

The first video: (MACBETH)
Ehem, Ehem,honestly, I don’t really understand our script, and not only that, I also had a hard time to digest the meaning of the script! We need to retake some of the scenes because the usage of old English. I still remember the part where the actors said the line and we were like…(emmmm what is she/he means?) And because of that, we need to refer to the only literature lover in the group. Khaymalatha Balakrishnan it is! :) Oh ya, in the first video, I am not really understand the storyline of itself! Tskk.Tskk T___T (Pathetic!)  At that time, I need to ask Khayma to actually explain to me which scene we are working on and the reason why the scene is important! As the result, while we are recording our video, I can’t contribute much idea! I am half blank!  

The second video: (MEQBEH)
Oh yes! This is the interesting part! I think I already told you how much I love this video at the previous entry. Didn’t I?  The major different between the first and the second video is that, we know what we are talking about! And it allows us to feel the characters more. In fact, in the second video, all the group members had wonderful ideas on how to enhance the scenes, improve the acting (facial expression, movement) to make it as real as possible.  In my opinion, it is because most of us know what we are working on, and we have a better understanding about the story. And of course, the language used which is the northen dialect make it lot easier! :D In the second video, we also need to retake quite a number of scenes, why? Because we can’t hold the laughter! It is so funny! HAHAHA
However, it is an interesting journey for me. From the first until the second video, from totally blur, until half blur, to quarter blur, and until now, quite clear *claps*! :P
Till then!
Thank you.
Hanisah Safian( 152604)

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