Sunday, June 3, 2012

(10) Hip hop Macbeth

Hi Miss Dzeelfa...

    The entire process of making this video will always stay in my mind. It was the best-est and most memorable video that i have ever taken part in my 3 years here in UPM. We started shooting on a Saturday evening at about 6pm. It was quite late because I went out to meet my dad and i came back to UPM after that. So Peisha and Khayma waited for me. Not only that, Peisha had prepared the script,the clothes and accessories for all of us so that we can all look like Hip-Hop queens. Khayma had to find sunglasses for me because we were short of 1 pair..

   Nisah and Faizah wanted to help with the video making... So Nisah took the video while Faizah held our script for us.. The entire process took 2 hours and thank God it was just in time. We managed to get it done by 8 and at that time i was already so dark... Not forgetting those mosquitoes.. We had many scenes whereby we had to redo it.. This is because the script was so funny that we keep wanting to laugh... We couldn't control ourselves.. Peisha laughed the most during her rapping part.. Haha..But the whole thing was fun as we really enjoyed ourselves filming it compared to the first video.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you Miss Dzeelfa. This class with you is an eye opener. Having you as our lecturer was a truly blessed experience..

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