Sunday, June 3, 2012

(13) Faizahaishah and joke...:)

# I should find this T-shirt

Yaaa..I love Shakespeare's works.That's what I mean...HAHAHAHA....
Is this considered as the last post??Warghhhhhh…so sad, I loved this blog. Okay…no need to be melodramatic faizah….yes and yes, I truly loved this blog and all post in it. You know…this LAST post basically is my reflection on what I’ve learned and post.yaaa...about the title, i have no idea what to named this post but i wanted to relate it with Shakespeare as a tribute....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I re-read all of my previous post. From the first time I post until today post. You know..I compare my first post with the latest post. I’m shocked. I saw a different perspective from my own thoughts. I’m shocked to see, how I develop from my first post until this moment.

The first post, I can see how clueless I am about Macbeth. How frustrated I am when you assigned us to read the original text. I’ve never thought I will read Macbeth till the last page. I also think I might screw up because I thought Macbeth is really tough…silly me, right? I think…just because of Macbeth is in old English, I started to demotivated to read it…I start this post with none…zero knowledge about Macbeth. Remember you give us the pre-test about Macbeth? I don’t know what I read, and I have no idea what I’ve answer in that test. Then I read my second and the next post, how I develop in reading Macbeth. From zero knowledge….Until today, not that I mastering Macbeth but I can say that I have an input about Macbeth. So, now…no one can lie to me about Macbeth..HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH….

Now, I’ve come to the last post. Not to brag about myself but…I glad to realize that I’ve develop in knowing Macbeth. I start this semester without any information about Macbeth, but today I know Macbeth..but I’ll never stop from knowing Macbeth. If before this, I’ve never intended to read Shakespeare old English works but today..I’ve finish Macbeth and I’m proud of myself. Now, I am looking forward to read his other works. Remember my post how I looking forward to read Twelfth night and Midsummer Night’s Dream? I’ve started reading it. thing, it is about Hamlet. For your information..before this I’ve heard about Hamlet but I’ve never interested to read it. Remember when you tell the class the gist of the story..and shown us the video. I makes my own effort to search for it in the internet. When internet is not enough for me, I asks Khayma about it…pity her, have to entertain my questions about Macbeth, Sometimes I argue with her about the relevant of Hamlet’s mother married her own brother in-law when her husband just died..hahahhahahaha....anyway thanks a lot to Khayma, cause she willing to share what she knows. You can asks her to know, how am I excited to talks about it when before this, I don’t give a damn at all about it. I tell you this because I want to share with you, how I develop my interest towards all these.

If before this, I know nothing about Macbeth and hate Shakespeare old English works….but today, I change my mind…I’ve heard and know more than that.

Thank you for giving me this opportunity…Insyallah, I’ll never stop what we’ve started.

p/s:do we have to close this blog after this semester end?? i really love this this blog....*just wondering*

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