Sunday, June 3, 2012

(11) All Hail MEQBAH!

 Assalamualaikum and Hi Miss Dzeelfa!
Alhamdulillah, our video’s presentation went just fine and perfect! As usual, you always gave a very positive feedback to each of the group. It is so exciting and relieve to see the laughter from members of the floor. Feels like everything was paid off! Thank you.
And…and…and… you know what Miss Dzeelfa, I keep repeating watching the video. “MEQBEH” is just something for me.  Yes, we done quite a number of videos before but Meqbeh is totally different. Special indeed! And again, thanks for the golden opportunity Miss!  :’)


And you did ask us before whether we are still going to ‘be with’ Macbeth, or just close the book and don’t bother about it anymore. As for me, Yes! I will! I won’t give up on him. Oh ya! And if you still remember, after you read my persona poem, you did ask me to inform you if one day I change my opinion towards her. errr does it ring a bell?
My answer: I still hate and hate and hate and hate her! and it won’t change!(as for now)  ;P
Sorry Sammy!
 Why Sammy?
Because she mad at me!
Why she mad at me?
You wondering huh?
Because the fact that I hate her beloved Lady Macbeth! HAHAHAHAHAHA ;D
(True story)

That‘s all for now. Thank you!
Hanisah Safian (152604)

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